Sunday, January 15, 2012
Traditional Mass Propers: 2nd Sunday After the Epiphany (Dominica II post Epiphaniam)

Mass in this video is of the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany at the Institute St. Philipp Neri in Berlin.

Vestments: Green

Psalm 65:4
Let all the earth adore Thee, O God, and sing to Thee: let it sing a psalm to Thy Name, O Most High. -- (Ps.65. 1, 2). Shout with joy to God, all the earth, sing ye a psalm to His Name: give glory to His praise. V.: Glory be to the Father . . . -- Let all the earth adore Thee . . .

COLLECT - O almighty and everlasting God, who dost govern all things both in heaven and on earth: mercifully hear the prayers of Thy people, and grant us Thy peace in our time. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, They Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost . . .

Romans 12: 6-16
Brethren, Having different gifts, according to the grace that is given us: either prophecy, to be used according to the rule of faith; or ministry, in ministering; or he that teacheth, in doctrine; he that exhorteth, in exhorting; he that giveth, with simplicity; he that ruleth, with carefulness; he that showeth mercy, with cheerfulness. Let love be without dissimulation. Hating that which is evil, cleaving to that which is good: loving one another with the charity of brotherhood: with honor preventing one another: in carefulness not slothful; in spirit fervent: serving the Lord: rejoicing in hope: patient in tribulation: instant in prayer: communicating to the necessities of the Saints: pursuing hospitality. Bless them that persecute you: bless, and curse not. Rejoice with them that rejoice, weep with them that weep: being of one mind one towards another: not minding high things, but consenting to the humble.

Psalm 106: 20, 21
The Lord sent His Word, and healed them: and delivered them from their destruction. V.: Let the mercies of the Lord give glory to Him: and His wonderful works to the children of men.

LESSER ALLELUIA - Alleluia, alleluia. V.:(Ps 148:2) Praise ye the Lord, all His Angels: praise ye Him, all His hosts. Alleluia

John 2: 1-11

At that time there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee: and the Mother of Jesus was there. And Jesus also was invited, and His disciples, to the marriage. And the wine failing, the Mother of Jesus saith to Him: They have no wine. And Jesus saith to her: Woman, what is that to Me and to thee? My hour is not yet come. His Mother saith to the waiters: Whatsoever He shall say to you, do ye. Now there were set there six water-pots of stone, according to the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three measures apiece. Jesus saith to them: Fill the water-pots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. And Jesus said to them: Draw out now, and carry to the chief steward of the feast. And they carried it. And when the chief steward had tasted the water made wine, and knew not whence it was, but the waiters knew who had drawn the water: the chief steward calleth the bridegroom, and saith to him: Every man at first setteth forth good wine: and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee; and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.

Psalm 65: 1, 2, 16
Shout with joy to God, all the earth: sing ye a psalm to His Name: come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what great things the Lord hath done for my soul, alleluia.

SECRET - Hallow, O Lord, these our oblations: and cleanse us from the stains of our sins. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

PREFACE (Preface of the Most Holy Trinity) - It it truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God; Who, together with Thine only-begotten Son, and the Holy Ghost, art one God, one Lord: not in the oneness of a single Person, but in the Trinity of one substance. For what we believe by Thy revelation of Thy glory, the same do we believe of Thy Son, the same of the Holy Ghost, without difference or separation. So that in confessing the true and everlasting Godhead, distinction in persons, unity in essence, and equality in majesty may be adored. Which the Angels and Archangels, the Cherubim also and Seraphim do praise: who cease not daily to cry out, with one voice saying:

John 2: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
The Lord saith: Fill the water-pots with water, and carry to the chief steward. When the chief steward had tasted the water made wine, he saith to the bridegroom: Thou hast kept the good wine until now. This first miracle did Jesus in the presence of His disciples.

POST COMMUNION - May the working of Thy power, we beseech Thee, O Lord, be increased in us: that quickened by the divine Sacraments, we may be prepared by Thy grace to obtain that which they promise. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Pray for Mr. Peter Sardegna

Mr. Peter Sardegna, of Winona, Minn., well known to virtually all American Priest and Seminarians of the SSPX, for his restoration of St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, will be given the Sacrament of Extreme Unction on January 14, 2012.

Mr. Sardegna has been in declining health for the past several years, and your prayers are requested for him and his family at this difficult time. Personal notes or cards of well wishes, sent to Peter in care of the Seminary, would most certainly brighten his day.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
What Kind of Man the Abbot Ought to Be

Taken from The Rule of St. Benedict:
When, therefore, anyone taketh the name of Abbot he should govern his disciples by a twofold teaching; namely, he should show them all that is good and holy by his deeds more than by his words; explain the commandments of God to intelligent disciples by words, but show the divine precepts to the dull and simple by his works. And let him show by his actions, that whatever he teacheth his disciples as being contrary to the law of God must not be done, "lest perhaps when he hath preached to others, he himself should become a castaway" (1 Cor 9:27), and he himself committing sin, God one day say to him: "Why dost thou declare My justices, and take My covenant in thy mouth? But thou hast hated discipline, and hast cast My words behind thee" (Ps 49[50]:16-17). And: "Thou who sawest the mote in thy brother's eye, hast not seen the beam in thine own" (Mt 7:3).

Image Source: Saint Dunstan's Priory, OSB
Understading Epiphanytide: The Octave of Epiphany through Septuagesima

Of all the seasons that the Modern Novus Ordo Catholic Calendar has neglected to properly retain and celebrate, Epiphanytide has, like Ascensiontide, unfortunately fallen by the wayside.  But, for those Catholics committed to the Sacred Traditions of the past, Epiphanytide holds a special length of time.  Instead of having Christmastide turn into some oddly name "Ordinary Time" (after all did anyone even really understand its purpose or its oddly split up parts through the year), traditional Catholics will celebrate Christmastide, Epiphanytide, Septuagesima, and then finally begin the penance of Lent.

So what exactly is Epiphanytide and what customs do traditional Catholics observe during this time?

Octave of the Epiphany

While the Novus Ordo calendar unfortunately only has 2 octaves, traditional Catholics will be familiar with the idea of multiple overlapping Octaves.  The practice of celebrating an Octave, while not only traced to the time spent by the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary awaiting the Paraclete, also has its origins in the Old Testament eight-day celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:36) and the Dedication of the Temple (2 Chronicles 7:9). Very truly, Christ did not come to abolish the Old Law but to fulfill it.

By the 8th century, Rome had developed liturgical octaves not only for Easter, Pentecost, and Christmas, but also for the Epiphany and the feast of the dedication of a church.

After 1568, when Pope Pius V reduced the number of octaves (since by then they had grown considerably), the number of Octaves was still plentiful.  Octaves were classified into several types. Easter and Pentecost had "specially privileged" octaves, during which no other feast whatsoever could be celebrated. Christmas, Epiphany, and Corpus Christi had "privileged" octaves, during which certain highly ranked feasts might be celebrated. The octaves of other feasts allowed even more feasts to be celebrated.

To reduce the repetition of the same liturgy for several days, Pope Leo XIII and Pope St. Pius X made further distinctions, classifying octaves into three primary types: privileged octaves, common octaves, and simple octaves. Privileged octaves were arranged in a hierarchy of first, second, and third orders. For the first half of the 20th century, octaves were ranked in the following manner, which affected holding other celebrations within their time frames:
  • Privileged Octaves
    • Privileged Octaves of the First Order
      • Octave of Easter
      • Octave of Pentecost
    • Privileged Octaves of the Second Order
      • Octave of Epiphany
      • Octave of Corpus Christi
    • Privileged Octaves of the Third Order
      • Octave of Christmas
      • Octave of the Ascension
      • Octave of the Sacred Heart
  • Common Octaves
    • Octave of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM
    • Octave of the Solemnity of St. Joseph
    • Octave of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
    • Octave of Saints Peter and Paul
    • Octave of All Saints
    • Octave of the Assumption of the BVM
  • Simple Octaves
    • Octave of St. Stephen
    • Octave of St. John the Apostle
    • Octave of the Holy Innocents
As one can notice, the Octave of the Epiphany ranked even higher than the Octave of Christmas!

Complexity of Octaves

With the overlapping Octaves of Christmas, St. Stephen, St John, and the Holy Innocents, things could be complicated for those praying the Divine Office.  Let's assume the anniversary of the dedication of the cathedral falls on December 27.  What happens?  In the 1962 rubrics, the feast is translated after the octave, but what happens for those following the pre-1955 calendar?  Here is what the days would look like from a liturgical point of view

27 December: Dedication, Comm. of the Octave of the Nativity; Vespers of the preceding with Psalms from the Nativity, Comm. of the following, of the Octave of the Nativity and the Dedication

28 December: Holy Innocents,  Comm. of the Octave of the Nativity and the Dedication; at Vespers, Psalms from the Nativity,  from the Chapter of the following, Comm. of the preceding, St Thomas, the Octave of the Nativity and the Dedication

29 December: St. John, Comm. of St Thomas Becket, the Octave of the Nativity, and the Dedication; Vespers of the preceding with Psalms from the Nativity, Comm. of the following, St Thomas, and the Octave of the Nativity and Dedication.

30 December: Sunday in the Octave of the Nativity, Comm. of the Octave of the Nativity, and the Dedication; Vespers of the preceding with Psalms from the Nativity, Comm. of the following and the Octave of the Nativity and Dedication.

31 December: St. Sylvester I, Comm. of the Octave of the Nativity, and the Dedication; Vespers of the following without any Commemorations.

1 January: Circumcision, no Commemorations; Vespers of the preceding without any Commemorations.

2 January: Holy Name, Comm. of the Octave of St. Stephen; Vespers of the preceding, Comm. of the Octave Day of the Dedication

3 January: Octave Day of the Dedication, Comm. of the Octave of St. John; Vespers of the preceding, Comm. of the following Octave day of the Holy Innocents.

Season of Epiphanytide

The Sunday within that octave was up until the reforms of 1955, the feast of the Holy Family, and Christmastide was reckoned as the twelve days ending on 5 January, followed by Epiphany time, 6-13 January. The following Sundays, until Septuagesima, were named as the "First (etc.) Sunday after Epiphany".

The 1969 "destruction" in the General Roman Calendar defined Christmastide instead as extending from the Vigil Mass of Christmas on the evening of 24 December to the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (generally the Sunday after 6 January).

While sometimes performed (but often neglected in the Novus Ordo), the Feast of the Epiphany is a time for the blessing of one's home using blessed Chalk and holy water.  This traditional has a beautiful ritual in the Rituale Romanum and is described in my post: Blessing of Epiphany Chalk.

Because the date of Easter changes each year, two seasons of the Calendar have variable lengths in order to balance (after all there can not be more than 52 weeks in the year). The Season of Time After Pentecost can have as few as 23 Sundays or as many as 28 Sundays depending on the date of Easter. This season of Epiphanytide can have anywhere from 4 to 38 days, depending on the date of Easter. If this season is short, then Time after Pentecost will be longer; and if this Season is long, Time after Pentecost will be shorter.  Makes sense, right?

But the spiritual focus of the season up through Candlemas is essentially a continuation of Christmas and contemplation of the Divine Childhood. After Candlemas (February 2nd), the celebration of events of His young life gives way to a focus on His adult life.

Candlemas (The Feast of the Purification of our Lady) is another day in which the Novus Ordo calendar greatly overlooks in importance.  The Feast of Candlmas, exactly 40 days after Christmas, commemorates Mary's obedience to the Mosaic law by submitting herself to the Temple for the ritual purification, as commanded in Leviticus.

The Feast of the Purification, is called Candlemas for the traditional blessing and distribution of candles on that day.  It is customary to bring candles from home to be blessed -- at least 51% beeswax candles that one uses for devotional purposes (candles for the family altar, Advent candles, etc.) -- so they can be lit after dusk on All Saints' Day (1 November), during the Sacrament of Unction, and during storms and times of trouble.  Nowadays, though, for those few parishes continuing this ancient observance, the parish will provide the candles.

Mass on Candlemas is typically preceded by a procession with the lighted candles and the singing of anthems. The lighted candles are held during the reading of the Gospel and from the beginning of the Canon of the Mass to Communion.

And this Season of Epiphanytide is also the time (typically depending on the length of the season), the Feast of St. Brigid, St. Agnes, and St. Blaise (on which day the Faithful's throats are blessed).

Let's remember not to neglect this season and give it our due observance.  After all, those of us praying the Older Breviary will find much beauty in the hymns and antiphons during this time.  More on those hymns and devotions associated with them will follow in subsequent posts.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
2012 Patron Saint for the Year Devotion - UPDATED with Results

Update:The 2012 Devotion Drawing is now closed.  Thank you for the 268 participants in this year's devotion!

I am very pleased to again be a facilitator for the Patron Saint of the Year Devotion.  I have been part of this annual tradition since 2006 and have helped coordinate devotions for hundreds of families.  It is my pleasure to now be part of the 2012 Patron Saint of the Year Devotion.

You can read about the past devotions at the following posts:
Again, I would like to take a few minutes to explain the devotion, which has its roots in St. Faustina.

When will the saints be drawn?  This year I will start the drawing of saints on the Octave Day of Christmas after the 10 AM Solemn High Mass and the recitation of both the Veni Creator Spiritus and the Litany of Saints.  Saints will be emailed starting that afternoon and thereafter.

 St. Louis IX - Virgin and Child Adored by Saint Louis, King of France

What is the Saint for the Year Devotion? Here is my post on this from years past to clarify the matter. This is from the person that draws all of the saints. I don't draw the saints. I will merely pass on your name or screenname to her so that she will draw a saint for you. Also, I will pass on the name of any of your family or friends that would like to participate. This isn't superstition. St. Faustina did the same thing!

Last year dozens of people received saints to be their special patron, and there were miraculous connections. It was truly amazing. We pray that this year the Holy Spirit will again work so that all participants receive a saint that they will be able to pray to for aid throughout the entire year:
Saint for the Year

I want to tell you about the practice of picking a saint at random to be your “holy protector” for the year. Actually, the saint is the one who chooses us though. The tradition of letting a saint “pick you,” is not a new one. St. Faustina wrote about it in her diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul. The excerpt is below.

“There is a custom among us of drawing by lot, on New Year's Day, special Patrons for ourselves for the whole year. In the morning during meditation, there arose within me a secret desire that the Eucharistic Jesus be my special Patron for this year also, as in the past. But, hiding this desire from my Beloved, I spoke to Him about everything else but that. When we came to refectory for breakfast, we blessed ourselves and began drawing our patrons. When I approached the holy cards on which the names of the patrons were written, without hesitation I took one, but I didn't read the name immediately as I wanted to mortify myself for a few minutes. Suddenly, I heard a voice in my soul: ‘I am your patron. Read.’ I looked at once at the inscription and read, ‘Patron for the Year 1935 - the Most Blessed Eucharist.’ My heart leapt with joy, and I slipped quietly away from the sisters and went for a short visit before the Blessed Sacrament, where I poured out my heart. But Jesus sweetly admonished me that I should be at that moment together with the sisters. I went immediately in obedience to the rule.”Excerpt from Divine Mercy in My Soul, the Diary of St. Faustina"

I have a container full of names ... I will be glad to pick out the name for you and send you the name if you prefer. I am so excited by my saint(s) ... I already picked mine. Well, I should say that they picked me ... I have Saints Marcus and Marcellianus ... they are twin brothers who were sent to prison before their death. St. Sebastian visited them continually in prison and helped keep their faith alive. They are buried near St. Felix and are specifically honored in Spain.

OK now ... here are a couple of immediate ironies in regard to these saints ... I have a SPECIAL place in my heart for twins! As a child, I LOVED reading the story about St. Sebastian. I had a children's book of saints and I think I wore out the pages on St. Sebastian! Felix is my grandfather's name! Silvia, our exchange student, is from Spain! I am so excited to have these two saints to walk through 2006 with me! I'm looking forward as to where and how they will intercede for me.
Please pass this message on through your blogs and/or email distribution lists, letting all of the Catholic blogsphere have the chance to participate. I only ask that you give me your email address so that I may contact you when your saint is drawn. Usually within one to two days I can email you about your saint.

So, please either make sure your email address is in your profile or please leave it below in the comment box when you ask to participate. If you wish to remain anonymous, please leave your initials instead of your name.  And, if you would prefer to email me directly and not write your email address in the comment box, please send an email entitled "Saint for the Year 2012" to acatholiclife [at]

So, comment below and pass this message on throughout the entire Catholic Blogsphere!


I participate in this devotion each year without any cost. Please take a minute and if you are a supporter of this devotion, please consider leaving us a free will donation. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps me continue working on this devotion and spreading it further.


To start things off, the turnout this year has been great.  I have posted below all of the results as 6:45 PM CST on January 1.  I was chosen by St. Joachim, the father of the Blessed Virgin Mary!  I am honored to be chosen by him and to read more on him in order to deepen my Marian devotion.  I know that it is for this purpose that God has willed for me to be chosen by St. Joachim as a special protector for 2012.

If you are not familiar your saint, I encourage you to research online and even pick up a copy of Father Hugo Hoever's "Live of the Saints," from which I read daily.  While the book does not include saints canonized in recent years, it is something that I am highly recommending.  You may find information on your saint on my page dedicated to the saints: and here is a prayer to honor any saint:

To save space, results and future result postings will be put in the comment box.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
254 Cardinals and Bishops Have Celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass Since Summorum Pontificum

His Excellency, the Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago says the Traditional Mass, the Mass of the Ages

UPDATE: See my updated post as of September 2014: 363 Cardinals and Bishops Who’ve Said the Latin Mass Since Summorum Pontificum

Since the Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI was put into effect in 2007 the following Bishops and Cardinals have celebrated the Immemorial Mass of All Ages. The Spanish blog Acción Litúrgica has compiled the following list.  H/T to The Eponymous Flower.

Some past articles of this blog covered the celebration of these Masses.  In those instances, I have linked the item below to the post with news, photos, and/or video of that Mass.

GERMANY: Cardinal Walter Brandmüller (President of the Papal Historical Commission), Dick (Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Cologne), Hanke (Bishop of Eichstätt), Mixa (Bishop Emeritus of Augsburg), Ostermann (Auxiliary Bishop von Münster), Overbeck (Bishop of Essen)

AUSTRIA: Cardinal Stickler (+2007), Laun (Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg)

SWITZERLAND: Farine (Auxiliary bishop of Lausanne, Freiburg and Genf), Genoud (Bishop von Lausanne, Freiburg and Genf, +2010), Huonder (Bishop von Chur), Perisset (Apostolic Nuncio in the Federal Republic of Germany)

LIECHTENSTEIN: Haas (Archbishop von Vaduz)

ARGENTINA: Baseotto ( Bishop Emeritus Castrense de Argentina), Laise ( Bishop Emeritus of San Luis), Sánchez Sorondo (Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy de Ciencias)

AUSTRALIA: Cardinal Pell (Archbishop of Sidney), Coleridge (Archbishop of Camberra), Hart (Archbishop of Melbourne), Hickey (Archbishop of Perth), Elliot (Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne), Grech (Bishop of Sandhurst, +2010), Jarret (Bishop of Lismore), Porteus (Archbishop of Sidney), Prowse (Bishop of Sale)

BELGIUM: Leonard (Archbishop of Brussels, Primate of Belgium), Harpigny (Bishop of Tournai)
BENIN: N´Koue (Bishop of Natitingou)

BRAZIL: Pena (Archbishop of Niterói), Taveira Correa (Archbishop of Belem do Pará), Tempesta (Archbishop of Río de Janeiro), Areas Rifán (Bishop of the Apostolic Administration of San Juan Marían Vianney), Bergamin (Bishop of Nova Iguaçu), Canindé Palhano (Bishop of Senhor do Bomfim), Da Silva (em. Auxiliary Bishop von Fortaleza), Fontes de Matos (Bishop of Palmira dos Indios), Guimaraes (Bishop of Garanhuns), Lopes de Faria (em. Bishop of Diamantina,+2009), Paixao (Auxiliary Bishop of Salvador-Bahía), Pestana Filho (em. Bishop of Anápolis,+2011), Romer (em. Auxiliary Bishop of Río de Janeiro), Silva Matthes (em. Bishop of Franca), Sivieri (Bishop of Propriá-Sergipe), Soares da Costa (Auxiliary Bishop of Aracaju), Stringhini (Bishop of Franca)

CHILE: Cardinal Medina Estévez (em. Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith), Piñera Carvallo (em. Archbishop of La Serena). Bishop González Errázuriz (Bishop of San Bernardo)

CHINA: Cardinal Zen (em. Archbishop of Hong Kong)

DENMARK: Kozon (Bishop of Kopenhagen)

FRANCE: Cardinal Barbarin (Archbishop von Lyon), Cardinal Ricard (Archbishop of Bordeaux), Cardinal Ving-Trois (Archbishop of París, President of the French Council of Bishops), Bacqué (Nuncio to Holland), D´Ornellas (Archbishop of Rennes), Le Gall (Archbishop of Toulouse), Madec (em. Archbishop of Toulon), Maillard (Archbishop of Bourges), Thomazeau (Archbishop of Montpellier), Aillet (Bishop of Bayonne), Aumonier (Bishop of Versailles), Bagnard (Bishop of Belley-Ars), Batut (Auxiliary Bishop of Lyon), Boivineau (Bishop of Annecy), Brouwet (Auxiliary of Nanterre), Centène (Bishop of Vannes), De Dinechin (Auxiliary of Paris), De lmas (Bishop of Angers), Dubost (Bishop of Evry), Dufour (Bishop of Limoges), Fikart (em. Auxiliary of Paris), Fort (Bishop of Orleans), Fréchard (em. Bishop of Auch), Gaidon (em. Bishop of Cahors, +2011), Guillaume (em. Bishop of Saint-Dié), Kalist (Bishop of Limoges), Kratz (Auxiliary Bishop of Straßburg), Lebrun (Bishop of Saint-Etienne), Mathieu (Bishop of Saint-Dié), Pansard (Bishop of Chartres), Rey (Bishop of Frejus-Toulon), Riocreux (Bishop of Pontoise), Scherrer (Bishop of Laval), Séguy (em. Bishop of Autun), Wintzer (Auxiliary Bishop of Poitiers)

GABON: Mvé Engone (Archbishop of Libreville), Bischof Madega (Bishop of Port-Gentil)

Great Britain: Cardinal O´Brien (Archbishop of Edinburgh, Primate of Schottland), Conti (Archbishop of Glasgow), Kevin (em. Archbishop of Southwark), Longley (Archbishop of Birmingham), Arnold (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Cunnigham (Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle), Doyle (Bishop of Northampton), Gilbert (Bishop of Aberdeen), Hopes (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Kenney (Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham), McGough (Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham), McMahon (Bishop of Nottigham), Moran (Bishop of Aberdeen), Sherrington (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Stack (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Williams (Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool)

HAITI: Gayot (em. Archbishop of Cap-Haitien, +2010)

CANADA: Roussin (Archbishop of Vancouver, em. 2009), Miller (Archbishop of Vancouver), Prendergast (Archbishop of Ottawa). Blais (Archbishop of Quebec), Lemay (Archbishop of Quebec)

COLOMBIA: Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos (em. President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission)

CROATIAN: Pozaic (Auxiliary Bishop of Zagreb)

ITALY: Cardinal Antonelli (Archbishop of Florence, em. 2008), Cardinal Bagnasco (Archbishop of Genoa, President of the Italian Bishops' Conference), Cardinal Bartolucci (em. Choir Master of the Sistine Chapel), Cardinal Caffarra (Archbishop of Bologna), Cardinal De Paolis (Director of the Precture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See), Cardinal Piovanelli (em. Archbishop of Florence), Cardinal Poggi (em. Papal Library, +2010), Cardinal Scola (Archbishop of Milan), Accerbi (Titular Bishop, Prelate of the Sovereign Order of Malta), Appignanesi (em. Archbishop of Potenza), Bassetti (Archbishop of Perugia), Berloco (Apostolic Nuncio in Belgium), Betori (Archbishop of Florenz), Boccardo (Archbishop of Spoleto-Norcia), Brugnaro (Archbishop of Camerino-San Severino), De Magistris (em. Archbishop Pro-Major Penitentiary of Apostolic Penitentiaryr), Molinari (Archbishop of L´Aquila), Ambrosio (Bishop of Piacenza), Cancian (Bishop of Città di Castello), Fisichella (Curial Bishop, President of the Papal Academy for Life), Giovanetti (Bishop von Fiesole), Giusti (Bishop of Livorno), Lambiasi (Bishop of Rimini), Miglio (Bishop of Ivrea), Mistrorigo (em. Bishop of Treviso), Oliveri (Bishop of Albenga-Imperia), Rabitti (Bischop of Ferrara), Ravignani (em. Bishop of Triest), Reali (Bishop of Porto-Santa Rufina), Scanavino (Bishop of Orvieto), Tardelli (Bishop of San Miniato)

IRELAND: Martin (Archbishop of Dublin), Magee (Bishop of Cobh), Moriarty (em. Bishop of Kildare y Leighlin)

KAZAKHSTAN: Schneider (Auxiliary Bishop of Astana)

LITHUANIA: Bartulis (Bishop of Siauliai)

MEXICO: Suárez Inda (Archbishop of Morelia)

MONACO: Barsi (Archbishop of Monaco)

NIGERIA: Cardinal Arinze (em. Prefect for Divine Worship), Ochiagha (em. Bishop of Orlu), Tochukwu Ukwuoma (Bishop of Orlu)

NEW ZEALAND: Meeking (em. Bishop of Christchurch)

HOLLAND: Punt (Bishop von Amsterdam)

PARAGUAY: Livieres (Bishop of Ciudad del Este)

PHILIPPINES: Lagdameo (Archbishop of Jaro), Escaler (em. Bishop of Ipil), De Gregorio (Administrator of the Apostolic Prelature of Batan), Hobayan (em. Bishop of Cazarman), Tobias (Bishop of Novaliches)

POLAND: Cardinal Nycz (Archbishop of Warsaw), Golebiewski (Archbishop of Breslau), Zscysinski (Archbishop of Lublin), Balcerek (Auxiliary Bishop Poznań), Depo (Bishop of Zamosc-Lubaczow), Dziuba (Bishop of Lowicz), Gorny (Bisop of Rzeszów), Malysiak (em. Auxiliary of Krakow), Mizinski (Auxiliary Bishop of Lublin), Pieronek (em. Auxiliary Bishop of Sosnowitz), Szkodon (Auxiliary Bishop of Krakau)

PUERTO RICO: Torres Oliveira (em. Bishop of Ponce)

RUSSIA: Pezzi (Archbishop of Moscow)

SLOVAKIA: Bezák (Archbishop of Trnava)

SLOVENIA: Cardinal Rodé (Prefect em. for the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life)

SPAIN: Cardinal Cañizares Llovera (Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship), Martínez Sistach (Archbishop of Barcelona), Curial Bishop Herranz Casado, Navarrete Cortés (em. Rector of the Papal University of St. Gregory, +2010), Ureña Pastor (Archbishop of Saragossa), Fernández González (Bishop of Córdoba), Iceta Gavicagogeascoa (Bishop of Bilbao), Yanguas Sanz (Bishop of Cuenca)

SRI LANKA: Cardinal Ranjith (Archbishop of Colombo)

CZECH REPUBIC: Baxant (Bishop of Leitmeritz)

HUNGARY: Farhat (Nuncio to Austria), Varga Lajos (Archishop of Vácbish)

USA: Cardinal Baum (em. Apostolic Penitentiary), Burke (Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura), Egan (em. Archbishop of New York), Foley (Grand Master of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, +2011), George (Archbishop of Chicago), Levada (Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith), O’ Malley (Archbishop of Boston), Brunett (Archbishop of Seattle), Carlson (Archbishop of Saint Louis), Di Noia (Secretary for the Congregation of Divine Worship), Hugues (em. Archbishop of New Orleans), Kevin (em. Archbishop of Southwark), Myers (Archbishop of Newark), Nienstedt (Archbishop of Saint Paul in Minneapolis), Pilarczyk (em. Archbishop of Cicinnati), Vigneron (Archbishop of Detroit), Wenski (Archbishop of Miami), Backer (Bishop of Birmingham), Boyea (Bishop of Lansing), Bevard (Bishop of Saint Thomas), Blair (Bishop of Toledo, Ohio), Bruskewitz (Bishop of Lincoln), Burbidge (Bishop of Raleigh), Callahan (Bishop of LaCrosse), Conley (Auxiliary Bishop of Denver), Cordileone (Bishop of Oakland), Corrada (Bischof von Tyler), D´Arcy (Bischof von Fort Wayne-South Bend), Daniels (Bischof von Grand Falls), Dewane (Bishop of Venice), Di Lorenzo (Bishop of Richmond), Di Marzio (Bishop of Bofrooklynn), Doran (Bishop Rockford), Etienne (Bishop of Cheyenne), Farrell (Bishop of Dallas), Finn (Bishop of Kansas City), Foley (em. Bishop of Birmingham), Gainer (Bishop of Lexington), García (Bishop of Monterey), Hermann (Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Louis), Hurley (Bishop of Grand Rapids), Keleher (em. Bishop of Kansas City), Kicanas (Bishop of Tucson), Madera Uribe (em. Bishop of Fresno), Matano (Bishop of Burlington), McFadden (Bishop of Harrisburg), McManus (Bishop of Worcester), Morlino (Bishop of Madison), Murphy (Bishop of Rockville Centre), Nevares (Auxiliary Bishop of Phoenix), Olmsted (Bishop of Phoenix), Perry (Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago), Provost (Bishop of Lake Charles), Reiss (Auxilary Bishop of Detroit), Rhoades (Bishop of Harrisburg), Ricken (Bishop of Green Bay), Sample (Bishop of Marquette), Serratelli (Bishop of Paterson), Silva (Bishop of Honolulu), Slattery (Bishop of Tulsa), Timlin (em. Bishop of Scranton), Tobin (Bishop of Providence), Waltersheid (Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburg), Van Johnston (Bishop of Springfield, Missouri).

Bishops of the Society of St. Pius X: Fellay, De Galarreta, Tissier de Mallerais and Williamson.
Video: Sacred Silence in the Traditional Roman Catholic Low Mass (the Silent Mass)

And herein lies the beauty of this liturgy. A Roman Catholic at one time could go to mass anywhere in the world and would hear the same ancient language (Latin) of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Truly holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
What Souls are Closest & Dearest to Jesus?

One day, whilst she was hearing Mass, at the elevation of the Sacred Host, she saw the infant Jesus on the altar, and with him three young virgins. Jesus took the first and caressed her very much. He went to the second, and, having taken her veil off her face, he struck her severely on the cheek, and turned his back upon her; but soon after, seeing the child looking sorrowful, he comforted her with all sorts of kindness. At last he approached the third; he seized her by the arm as if he were angry, struck her, and drove her away from him; but the more she saw herself ill-used and driven off; the more the little virgin humbled herself and followed him: and thus the vision ended.

This devout woman, remained in the church with great desire to know what was the meaning of the vision, Jesus appeared to her again, and told her that there are on earth three sorts of souls that loved him.

Some love him; but their love is so weak that if they are not coaxed by spiritual pleasures they become uneasy, and are in danger of turning their backs upon him; and of these the first virgin was a figure.

The second represented those souls who love him with a less feeble love, but who require to be comforted from time to time.

The third was a figure of those more courageous souls who, although constantly desolate, and deprived of spiritual consolations, do not cease doing all they can to please the Lord; and these he said, were the souls in which he took the greatest delight.”

From the book, "The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ" by St Alphonsus De Liguori
Published by the Redemptorist Fathers in 1927, pg 164 of the reissued 1983, printing of this book.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Saturday Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Just a few months ago, I was surprised to see a Catholic posting a question on an online Catholic forum asking for more information on a Saturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary in which he was invited to attend. He was confused as to the reason that the priest intended to say Holy Mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God when it was not a feastday dedicated to her.

To alleviate such confusion and to better educate the faithful on the concept of Saturday Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I offer this post as a reflection on the Saturday Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For more information on our Lady for other topics, such as apparitions, dogmas, prayers, etc., please see my post dedicated to our Blessed Lady.

Saturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mass of the Assumption of Our Lady 2009 
Tridentine Mass celebrated by Fr. Michell Joe Zerrudo, Parish of Our Lord of Divine Mercy, Sikatuna, Q.C., Philippines; Source: Flickr

The poster "jrny from FR" on Angelqueen explains the rubrics for the Saturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary as follows:
The Saturday Mass of the BVM is 4th. Class, not 3rd. Class. It is said on any Saturday of the year which otherwise would have been a 4th. class Ferial Day if it fell on Monday-Friday.This is the normal, "obligatory" Mass (i.e. the Mass of the day per the rubrics) on Saturdays of the 4th. class which means it is not a Votive Mass (a Mass proper said by choice as allowed), strictly speaking.
The Mass "Rorate" in Advent is a Votive Mass of the 3rd. class, but this differs from the above because this Mass can be said by choice (and not by assigned "obligation") on any day not ranked I or II Class during Advent.
The following text is of the propers of the Mass as said on those Saturdays and Votive Masses After Trinity Sunday until Advent (Salve of the Blessed Virgin). The other four versions have slight variations in the proper prayers and are grouped into the following categories: In Advent (Rorate Coeli of the Blessed Virgin), From the Epiphany to the Purification (Vultum Tuum of the Blessed Virgin), From the Purification until Shrove Tuesday (Salve of the Blessed Virgin), and In Eastertide (Salve of the Blessed Virgin)

If you are unfamiliar with the Traditional Latin Mass, consult my post on the Mass structure to best understand where the following prayers (the propers) fit into the unchanging prayers of the Mass.


 Sedulius; Ps. 44:2
Salve Sancta Parens, enixa purerpera Regem: qui coelum terramque regit in saecula saeculorum.(Psalm) Eructavit cor meum verbum bonum: dico ego opera mea regi. Gloria Patri. Salve Sancta Parens, enixa purerpera...Hail, holy Parent, that didst bring forth the King Who ruleth heaven and earth for ever and ever.(Psalm) My heart hath uttered a good work: I speak of my works to the King. Glory be to the Father. Hail, holy Parent....

Concede nos famulos tuos, quaesumus, Domine Deus perpetua mentis et corporis sanitate gaudere, et gloriosa beatae Mariae semper Viginis intercessione, a praesenti liberari tristitia, et aeterna perfrui laetitia. Per Dominum nostrum.Grant  to us Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, that we may enjoy perpetual health of mind and body; and through the intercession of blessed Mary ever Virgin may be delivered from present sorrow and possess eternal joy. Through our Lord.


Ecclus. 24:14-16
Ab initio, et ante sawedcula cretat sum, et usque ad futurum saeculum non desinam, et in havitatione sancta coram ipso ministravi. Et sic in Sion firmata sum, et in civitate sanctificata similiter requievi, et in Jerusalem potestas mea. Et radicavi in populo honorificato, et in parte Dei mei haereditas illius, et in plenitudine sanctorum detentio mea.From the beginning, and before the world, was I created, and unto the world to come I shall not cease to be, and in the holy dwelling place I have ministered before him. And so was I established in Sion, and in the holy city likewise I rested, and my power was in Jerusalem. And I took root in an honorable people, and in the portion of my God his inheritance, and mine abode is in the full assembly of saints.

Benedicta et venerabilis es, Virgo Maria: quae sine tactu pudoris inventa es mater Salvatoris. Virgo De Genitrix, quem totus non capit oribis in tua se clausit viscera factus homo.Blessed and venerable art thou, O Virgin Mary: who without loss of purity wert found to be the Mother of our Savior. Virgin Mother of God, He Whom the whole world cannot hold enclosed Himself in thy womb, and became man.

Alleluia, alleluia.  Post partum Virgon inviolata permansisti: Dei Genitrix intercdede pro nobis. Alleluia.Alleluia, alleluia.  After His birth a Virgin entire thou dost remain: O Mother of God, intercede for us.  Alleluia.

GOSPELLk. 11:27-28
In illo tempore: Loquente Jesu ad turbas, extollens vocem quaedam mulier de turba, dixit illi: Beatus venter qui te portavit et ubera, quae suxisti. At ille dixit: Quinimo beati, qui audiunt verbum Dei, et custodiunt illud.At that time, as Jesus was speaking to the multitudes, a certain woman from the crowd, lifting up her voice from the crowd, lifting up her voice, said to Him: Blessed is the womb that bore Thee and the paps that gave Thee suck. But He said: Yea rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it.


 Lk. 1:28,42
Ave Maria, gratia plena: Dominus tecum: benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui.Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

Tua Domine, propitiatione et beatae Mariae sumper Virginis intercessione, ad perpetuam atque praesentem haec oblatio nobis proficiat proseperitatem et pacem. Per Dominum nostrum.By Thy gracious mercy, O Lord, and the intercession of blessed Mary ever Virgin, may this offering be of avail to us for welfare and peace now and for evermore. Through our Lord.


Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Vere dignum et justum est, aequum et salutare, nos tibi semper, et ubique gratias agere: Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus. Et te in Assumptione beatae Mariae semper Virginis collaudare, benedicere, et praedicare. Quae et Unigenitum tuum Sancti Spiritus obumbratione concepit: et virginitatis gloria permanente, lumen aeternum mundo effudit, Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum. Per quem majestatem tuam laudant Angeli, adorant Dominationes, tremunt Potestates. Coeli, coelorumque Virtutes, ac beata Seraphim, socia exsultatione concelebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces, ut admitti jubeas deprecamur, supplici confessione dicentes:It it truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God: and that we should praise and bless, and proclaim Thee, in the Festivity of the Blessed Mary, ever-Virgin: Who also conceived Thine only-begotten Son by the overshadowing of the Holy Ghost, and the glory of her virginity still abiding, gave forth to the world the everlasting Light, Jesus Christ our Lord. Through whom the Angels praise Thy Majesty, the Dominations worship it, and the Powers stand in awe. The Heavens and the heavenly hosts together with the blessed Seraphim in triumphant chorus unite to celebrate it. Together with these we entreat Thee that Thou mayest bid our voices also to be admitted while we say with lowly praise:

Beata viscera Mariae Virginis, quae portaverunt aeterni Patris Filium.Blessed is the womb of the Virgin Mary, which bore the Son of the Eternal Father.

Sumptis, Domine, salutis nostrae subsidiis: da, quaesumus, beatae Mariae semper Virginis patrociniis nos ubique protegi : in cugus veneratione haec tuae obtulimus majestati. Per Dominum nostrum.O Lord, grant, we beseech Thee, that we who have received these aids unto salvation, may be always and everywhere protected by the intercession of blessed Mary ever Virgin, in whose honor we offered this Sacrifice to Thy Majesty. Through our Lord.

First Saturdays Devotion

On Saturdays, Catholics traditionally have taken part in the "First Saturdays Devotion" which entails going to Mass and receiving Communion for the first Saturday of the month for 5 consecutive months in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  This devotion is not to be confused with the First Friday's Devotion, which is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On July 1, 1905, Pope Pius X approved and granted indulgences for the practice of the First Saturdays of twelve consecutive months in honor of the Immaculate Conception. The First Saturday Devotion did not originate as part of the apparitions of our Blessed Lady in Fatima, but the devotion did quickly spread further following our Lady's series of appearances to the three shepherd children in 1917.

Our Blessed Lady's words to Sr. Lucia at Fatima:
Look, my daughter, at my Heart encircled by these thorns with which men pierce it at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You, at least, strive to console me, and so I announce: I promise to assist at the hour of death with the grace necessary for salvation all those who, with the intention of making reparation to me, will, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, go to confession, receive Holy Communion, say five decades of the beads, and keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary.
The First Saturday Devotion consists of offering the First Saturday of the month for five consecutive months in reparation for the many and grievous sins committed in our world. A further explanation of our Lady's request is below:
  • You must go to the Sacrament of Confession.  Your reception of the Sacrament may be 8 days before the Saturday as long as you stay in a state of grace.
  • You must receive the Holy Eucharist and as always, it must be in the state of grace or risk the most grievous sin of sacrilege
  • You must pray 5 decades of the Holy Rosary of our Lady, including the Fatima Prayer.  
  • Finally, the last requirement consists of "keeping Mary company" for 15 minutes while meditating on all 15 Mysteries of the Rosary with the intention of making reparation to her. This can be done by reading Scripture or other writings relevant to the Mysteries, meditating on pictures of the Mysteries, or simple meditation. Materials for meditation and education on each of the Rosary mysteries are available online. See the Fatima Center for more information.
Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary

While the laity is not bound to pray the Divine Office, they are still encouraged to pray the Divine Office (also known as the Liturgy of the Hours).  To pray the Divine Office, I would highly encourage you to pray the 1962 Breviary or even the 1955 version as opposed to the modern version which I find lacking in the spiritual depth present in the earlier editions.

Since you are not bound under ecclesial law to pray the Office, you can and should start by praying the English version of the Breviary.  You can find various breviaries available for sale that will fulfill this purpose.  For centuries Catholics prayed most commonly not with personal prayers and devotion as such individual prayers originated from protestant individualism.  Instead, Catholics prayed the Liturgical texts of the Church (e.g. the Prayers of the Holy Mass, the Rosary, etc) daily and many were saved.  In our world we see the majority of mankind entrenched in sin and debauchery.  Let us pray for a return to our praying the Liturgical prayers of the Holy Church.  Pray the Daily Rosary as Mary has asked of us!

However, please also consider, in addition, or instead of the standard Divine Office, the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary for your daily prayers!  
The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a shorter form of the Divine Office in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It has long been the Church’s daily liturgical prayer to Our Lady, and these hours of praise have been used by Priests, religious and the laity throughout the centuries. Lay people used to flock to the great Cathedrals to publicly recite The Little Office during the Middle Ages, and during the great persecution, when the practice of the Catholic Faith was illegal in Great Britain, Bishop Challoner commended The Little Office to his flock.

Through its psalms, antiphons, readings, responsorials, and prayers the Little Office stresses the role Our Lady played in salvation history, and how through her fiat the divine Word took flesh in her womb and achieved salvation for us all; and how Our Lord granted her the first fruits of the general resurrection in her holy and glorious assumption.

All Catholics are called to a consistent prayer life. For those who do not feel called to recite the Divine Office, but still wish to participate in the liturgical prayer of the Church, or for those who have a particular devotion to the holy Mother of God, there is no finer form of prayer than the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    Green Scapular

    While certainly not only permitted for use on Saturdays, Saturday is an appropriate time to focus on the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin and on her great promises with the Green Scapular.  Many of you should be familiar with the Brown Scapular as you should have been invested in the Brown Scapular following your First Holy Communion.  I have written before on the merits of the Brown Scapular.  While they are not to be underestimated, I will not focus additional time on the Brown Scapular.  Instead, we focus in this post on the Green Scapular of our Lady. 

    The website of Fish Eaters succinctly and accurately describes the Green Scapular of our Lady:
    In 1840, Mary appeared to Sister Justine Bisqueyburu (a Seminary Sister of the Daughters of Charity) in Paris, France and commended the Green Scapular to her. It's known as "the Scapular of Conversion," and its promises are the strengthening of faith, protection against Satan, a happy death for Catholics, and, most of all, for conversion for those outside the Church. It's to be worn or carried by the faithful, or given to an unbeliever for their conversion.
    The following prayer is to be said daily by the wearer:
    Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death
    Latin version:

    Cor immaculatum Mariae, ora pro nobis nunc et in hora mortis nostrae

    If the scapular is given to an unbeliever for their conversion, the person giving the scapular prays the prayer for them if the unbeliever does not want to pray the prayer himself. If the unbeliever does not want the scapular, it may be hidden in their vicinity and the prayers said for him. Enrollment in a Confraternity is not necessary for this scapular, but the scapular should be blessed by a priest before use.
    New Cardinals Named by Holy Father (January 2012)

    The following will receive the honor of becoming a Cardinal and be eligible to participate in a Papal Conclave.  I'll let the readers voice in about each one in particular, especially sharing how open each are to Tradition.
    • Fernando Filoni, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples;
    • Manuel Montiero de Castro, Major Penitentiary of the Roman Church;
    • Santos Abril y Castelló, archpriest of St Mary Major;
    • Antonio Maria Veglió, president of the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Refugees;
    • Giuseppe Bertello, president of the Government of the Vatican City-State
    • Joao Braz de Aviz, prefect of the Congregation for Religious;
    • Francesco Coccopalmerio, president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts;
    • Edwin Frederick O'Brien, grand master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre;
    • Domenico Calcagno, president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See;
    • George Alencherry, Major-Archbishop of Erkugnalam-Angamaly of the Syro-Malybars;
    • Thomas Christopher Collins, archbishop of Toronto;
    • Dominik Duka OP, archbishop of Prague;
    • Willem Jacobus Eijk, archbishop of Utrecht;
    • Giuseppe Betori, archbishop of Florence;
    • Timothy Michael Dolan, archbishop of New York;
    • Rainer Maria Woelki, archbishop of Berlin;
    • John Tong Hon, bishop of Hong Kong
    Those over age 80 (who are unable to enter a Conclave) but will nevertheless receive the honorary distinction of Cardinal:
    • Lucien Muresan, major archbishop-emeritus of Fagaras and Alba Julia of the Romanians;
    • Fr Julien Ries, Belgian historian/anthropologist of religion;
    • Prosper Grech OSA, Maltese Biblical scholar;
    • Karl Josef Becker SJ

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