Double (1955 Calendar): April 30
St. Catherine was born on March 25, 1347, as the 23rd child of twenty-five children. Her twin, the 24th child, died at birth. St. Catherine was the daughter of Giacomo di Benincasa, a cloth dyer, and, Lapa Piagenti, the daughter of a local poet.
At the young age of six, St. Catherine received a vision of Jesus coming to her and blessing her. At age seven, St. Catherine consecrated her virginity completely to Jesus Christ. She became a Dominican tertiary when she was only 16 years old. She lived and subjected herself to long periods of fasting, where the only thing she consumed was the Holy Eucharist.
In 1366, St. Catherine received the most important vision of her life. She described it as a spiritual marriage with Christ where the Infant Child of Jesus presented her with a ring. She saw it on her hand each day of her life from that moment as a reminder of her union to serving the Lord. Following this, she began writing letters, begging for peace, and serving the sick and dying. She truly lived the life that Jesus calls each of us to live. St. Catherine was even a counselor to Pope Gregory XI and Pope Urban VI.
St. Catherine was also privileged to bear the sacred wounds of Our Lord - the Stigmata. She died on April 29, 1380, and she was canonized as a saint by Pope Pius II in 1461.
Precious Blood, Ocean of Divine Mercy: Flow upon us! Precious Blood, Most Pure Offering: Procure us every Grace! Precious Blood, Hope, and Refuge of sinners: Atone for us! Precious Blood, Delight of holy souls: Draw us! Amen.
- By Saint Catherine of Siena
Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that we who commemorate the heavenly birthday of blessed Catherine, Thy Virgin, may rejoice in her yearly festival and profit by her example of great virtue. Through our Lord.
Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
1 comment(s):
Hoy, fieeta de Sta Catarina de Siena...Ora pro nobis, vecinos d Sta. Catarina Pinula.....
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