I am very pleased to again be a facilitator for the Patron Saint of the Year Devotion. I have been part of this annual tradition since 2006 and have helped coordinate devotions for hundreds of families. It is my pleasure to now be part of the 2012 Patron Saint of the Year Devotion.
You can read about the past devotions at the following posts:
- 2006 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2007 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2008 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2010 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2011 Saint for the Year Devotion
When will the saints be drawn? This year I will start the drawing of saints on the Octave Day of Christmas after the 10 AM Solemn High Mass and the recitation of both the Veni Creator Spiritus and the Litany of Saints. Saints will be emailed starting that afternoon and thereafter.
St. Louis IX - Virgin and Child Adored by Saint Louis, King of France
Last year dozens of people received saints to be their special patron, and there were miraculous connections. It was truly amazing. We pray that this year the Holy Spirit will again work so that all participants receive a saint that they will be able to pray to for aid throughout the entire year:
Saint for the Year
Please pass this message on through your blogs and/or email distribution lists, letting all of the Catholic blogsphere have the chance to participate. I only ask that you give me your email address so that I may contact you when your saint is drawn. Usually within one to two days I can email you about your saint.
I want to tell you about the practice of picking a saint at random to be your “holy protector” for the year. Actually, the saint is the one who chooses us though. The tradition of letting a saint “pick you,” is not a new one. St. Faustina wrote about it in her diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul. The excerpt is below.
“There is a custom among us of drawing by lot, on New Year's Day, special Patrons for ourselves for the whole year. In the morning during meditation, there arose within me a secret desire that the Eucharistic Jesus be my special Patron for this year also, as in the past. But, hiding this desire from my Beloved, I spoke to Him about everything else but that. When we came to refectory for breakfast, we blessed ourselves and began drawing our patrons. When I approached the holy cards on which the names of the patrons were written, without hesitation I took one, but I didn't read the name immediately as I wanted to mortify myself for a few minutes. Suddenly, I heard a voice in my soul: ‘I am your patron. Read.’ I looked at once at the inscription and read, ‘Patron for the Year 1935 - the Most Blessed Eucharist.’ My heart leapt with joy, and I slipped quietly away from the sisters and went for a short visit before the Blessed Sacrament, where I poured out my heart. But Jesus sweetly admonished me that I should be at that moment together with the sisters. I went immediately in obedience to the rule.”Excerpt from Divine Mercy in My Soul, the Diary of St. Faustina"
I have a container full of names ... I will be glad to pick out the name for you and send you the name if you prefer. I am so excited by my saint(s) ... I already picked mine. Well, I should say that they picked me ... I have Saints Marcus and Marcellianus ... they are twin brothers who were sent to prison before their death. St. Sebastian visited them continually in prison and helped keep their faith alive. They are buried near St. Felix and are specifically honored in Spain.
OK now ... here are a couple of immediate ironies in regard to these saints ... I have a SPECIAL place in my heart for twins! As a child, I LOVED reading the story about St. Sebastian. I had a children's book of saints and I think I wore out the pages on St. Sebastian! Felix is my grandfather's name! Silvia, our exchange student, is from Spain! I am so excited to have these two saints to walk through 2006 with me! I'm looking forward as to where and how they will intercede for me.
So, please either make sure your email address is in your profile or please leave it below in the comment box when you ask to participate. If you wish to remain anonymous, please leave your initials instead of your name. And, if you would prefer to email me directly and not write your email address in the comment box, please send an email entitled "Saint for the Year 2012" to acatholiclife [at] gmail.com
So, comment below and pass this message on throughout the entire Catholic Blogsphere!
I participate in this devotion each year without any cost. Please take a minute and if you are a supporter of this devotion, please consider leaving us a free will donation. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps me continue working on this devotion and spreading it further.
To start things off, the turnout this year has been great. I have posted below all of the results as 6:45 PM CST on January 1. I was chosen by St. Joachim, the father of the Blessed Virgin Mary! I am honored to be chosen by him and to read more on him in order to deepen my Marian devotion. I know that it is for this purpose that God has willed for me to be chosen by St. Joachim as a special protector for 2012.
If you are not familiar your saint, I encourage you to research online and even pick up a copy of Father Hugo Hoever's "Live of the Saints," from which I read daily. While the book does not include saints canonized in recent years, it is something that I am highly recommending. You may find information on your saint on my page dedicated to the saints: http://acatholiclife.blogspot.
To save space, results and future result postings will be put in the comment box.
98 comment(s):
I would definitely like to participate. I can be emailed at angelica[at]throughaglassonion.com
Please include me again. Thanks.
Yes, I would like to participate, again. I've made friends with a few saints, due to their assigned patronage. I'm a Lay Dominican, a blogger, I edit a newsletter, my personal apostolate is prison ministry, I follow the spirituality of Pere Marie Jean-Joseph Lataste, op, who will be beatified this June 3, 2012. Please email me my patron at faith.flaherty@gmail.com
Thank you and God bless your work.
Please pick a 2012 patron saint for Karen and for my husband Jack. Thanks.
Please pick a saint for me. This sounds lovely!
Please pick a saint for me. This sounds lovely!
Thank you for all of the responses. I have recorded all of the names of requestors so far. The drawing will be on January 1st.
God bless
Would you please pick a saint for me, my husband and son? Thank you so much and God bless!
Please pick a saint for me (second year!) and my wife Mary.
I would like to have a patron saint for2012. I subscribed via feed burner, but still, my email address is petiteflour(at)yahoo.com. Thank you. My name is Margaret
Please pick up Saints for V. Family; Ian, Veronica, PF, Beata, Rybenka, Nicolas, Apostole; Inter.
Thank you,
God bless you and your Apostolate
I would like to have a patron saint for 2012. Please email me lydcromero@aol.com
My name is Lydia. I have done this before on my own; thank you for your work. Blessings!
Thank you for doing this for us - please choose a saint for me. mummy[at]everestkc[dot]net
I would like to participate as well. My e-mail address is peteriedesel@gmail.com
Thanks! and God Bless.
I would very much like to participate in this. My email is mkmmaka at gmail dot com
Thank you for doing this. I look forward to your email. May you have a blessed new year!
I would like a patron saint for the upcoming year plz, thank you!
Please pick a saint for me again. You can email me at clare_schmare@yahoo.com. Thank you so much.
Please pick a saint for Melinda my wife and me, Louis, for 2012.
send to me at spoildchld@yahoo.com please and thanks
I will continue the drawing each day (until the end of January) for those who have not signed up yet. The drawing for everyone that has signed up as of 4 PM January 1st CST has taken place. I will now begin emailing results this evening and Monday/Tuesday.
Orate pro nobis!
St. Theodoret of Antioch is my patron this year. His feast day is Oct. 22. I did a little research. At first I was repelled by his martyrdom. I confess,that I sometimes confess, that I am so ever grateful that I don't have the vocation of a martyr. But I know that I should just trust God, and that He knows best what's good for me. (gulp) (But Theodoret was stretched out on the rack, and burned, and other inhuman tortures) Lord have mercy on me.
Then I was repulsed by Theodoret's response to his torturer. He told him that he was more or less going to hell. Shouldn't a saint respond like Jesus, "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do?"
Perhaps, I'm too critical. Theodoret is being tortured. Who knows what one will say and do under stress? (shudder) Besides, Theodoret's words of condemnation turned out to be a prophesy.
I continued researching sites and found some facts that interested me. Theodoret is considered an early church father. He wrote, and some of his writings are still available to
us. Here is a quote that resonated well with me: "To see visible objects we need the eyes of the body. To understand intelligible truths we need the eyes of the mind. To have the vision of divine things we cannot do without faith. What the eye is for the body, faith is for reason, puts it in contact with visible things; reason needs faith to show it divine things."
Theodoret was a scholar, and is considered a contributor to the Antiochene School of theology, which fought against the heresy of Monophysites. This heresy rejected the divinity of Jesus. Theodoret was a participant in the Council of Chalcedon.
So, now I'm anxious to be under the patronage of Theodoret. May he pray for an increase of my faith, wisdom and knowledge, courage, and help me to increase my trust in God's Providence.
Thank you for my new guide.
I would love a patron saint for the year.. Please email me at barlcana@wpswireless.com
Thank you!
I would love to particpate.Thank you, Mary. Please email me at mshag1066@verizon.net
I am stunned and very excited that my patron saint for 2012 is Our Lady of Sorrows. Wow! I have a deep and abiding love of Mary and actually converted to the Catholic church after the death of my youngest child (SIDS). A friend brought me to daily Mass and I was especially comforted as I sat gazing into the eyes of a statue of Mary each day. It was through her that I was able to find peace at that time. I continue to be devoted to Mary and she has been a model for me as I have walked through other tragedies in my life.
Dear Matthew,
Happy New Year - I hope it brings you many blessings! Please pick a saint for me. Thank you!
How wonderful! I'd love it if you could pick a Saint for me! jdmaxima@yahoo.com
i would like to participate. Thanks!
I would love to participate! Please email my saint's name to wwjdcath@aol.com. God bless you.
triciac102@hotmail.com I would like a saint fot 2012.
I would love to particpate in the drawing of a patron saint. Thank you. Please email me at hft0609@aol.com
Results as of January 2, 2012
Karen Philogonius 12/20
Jack Theodoret 10/22
Angelica Sabbas 12/5
Lara Martin 11/11
James Mathilda 3/14
Anna Julia 5/22
Julie D. Ubaldus 5/16
Faith Theodoret 10/22
Evangeline Luke 10/18
Diana Nemesion 12/19
Alyson John Gualbert 7/12
Lucy Thomas More 7/6
Holly Quintin 10/31
Nevaeh Eligius 12/1
James Januarius 9/19
Ramona Simon 10/28
Nikita Abachum 1/19
Linus Servulus 12/23
Maude Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Agnes Teresa 10/15
Ruth Our Lady of Sorrows 9/15
Rosalina L Medard 6/8
Ray L Julia 5/22
Cristian L Leo I
Nicolaus L Peter 6/29
Elena L Protus 9/11
Pablo L Bernard 8/20
Jorge Cyril of Jerusalem 3/18
Silvia Gaetano Errico
Michael Anthony of the Desert 1/17
Sara Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception
Sophia Catherine of Sweden 7/22
Alex Felix of Valois 11/20
Sabine Linus 9/23
Gabriella Theodore Guerin
Manuel Ivan Erasmus 6/2
Karleen John Gualbert 7/12
Sheila Schofield Acacius 4/9
Jessica Servulus 12/23
Jessica's Husband Richard 4/3
Jessica's Son Gertrude 11/16
Malachy Sebastian 1/20
Keith Margaret 6/10
Mary St. Casper (one of the wisemen)
Margaret Juvenal 5/3
Brenda Theodore Guerin
Mark Angelo James 5/11
Ian Eusebius 12/16
Veronica Rafael Guizar Valencia
PF Donatian 5/24
Beata Peter 6/29
Rybenka Agnes 1/21
Nicolas Margaret Mary Alacoque 10/17
Apostle John of St Facundo 6/12
Inter Tiburtius 8/11
Lydia Battista (canonized by Pope Benedict XVI)
Leigh Evodius 5/6
Widow Teresa 10/15
Michael Damien Joseph de Veuster
Anna Joseph the Workman 5/1
Rocco Giulia Salzano
Rosalima Remigius 10/1
Stabilizer Angela Merici 6/1
BPetr John Bosco 1/31
BGeorge Marcellinus 4/20
Petr Spouse Peter of Verona 4/29
George Silly Perpetua 3/6
George Silly Family John Joseph of the Cross 3/5
Restituta Lotto Wenceslaus 9/28
ORostkovova Simon of Lipnica
Nicolas Joan of Arc 5/30
Chosen Elizabeth 7/8
Lee-gal Catherine Laboure 11/28
Padre Emissary Albert the Great 11/15
Marie Eucherius 2/20
Anthony John Francis Regis 6/16
Xavier Edbert 5/6
Dominic Alexius 7/17
Raphael Benedict 3/21
Amelia Severianus 2/21
Wenceslaw Joseph of Cupertino 9/18
Anonymous Marie de la Croix
Steve Germanus 8/3
Toni Irenaeus 7/3
Stephanie Matthias 2/24
Trissi Paschal Babylon 5/17
Ken Mary Dei Pazzi 5/29
John Primus 6/9
Dan Simon of Lipnica
Chris Nereus 5/12
Molly M Clement 11/23
Antoinette Christina 7/24
Stephanie Sophia 9/18
Madlen George Preca
Elynne Acacius 4/9
Jessamine Simeon Stylites the Younger 9/3
my dad Richard 4/3
my mom Ethelreda 6/2
my sister L Romanus 2/28
my sister M Faustina
M.S. Philip Neri 5/26
Ning Agnes 1/21
Brianne Thomas the Apostle 12/21
my future husband Hospitius 5/21
Jvacca Our Lady of Lourdes 2/11
Jvacca's Sister Therese of Lisieux 10/3
Cyrene Augustine of Canterbury 5/28
Ashley Cyril of Jerusalem 3/18
Suzanne Bertille 11/5
Fran Candida Maria de Jesus
Frank Charles of St Andrew
spoildchld Gertrude Comensoli
Melinda Norbert 6/6
Louis Stanislaw Soltys
Rachel Philip 5/11
Mary John Cantius 10/20
Heather Anselm 4/21
wwjdcath Frances 3/9
jdmaxima Thomas the Apostle 12/21
Franciscus Carmelo Elphege 4/19
Brian Johnson John of St Facundo 6/12
Demi Espinoza Thomas More 7/6
Fran Blessed Andre
Tricia Crescentia 6/15
HFT John the Hospitaller 1/9
I would like a saint please,
I would like a saint please,
I am very interested in finding my patron saint for the year. My email is joanmik@verizon.net God Bless you!
Please pick a patron saint for me. Send their name to stdixon39@charter.net
God's blessings!
First occassion I have done this and look forward to learning and praying to my Saint, Sebastian.Many thanks.
I would like a saint chosen for me and my husband Joe. Thanks! jcaldwellp@aol.com
I would like a saint, please. Send to fcoleman@press-register.com
More results
Joan John of St Facundo 6/12
Rosary Girl Domitilla 5/12
S Dixon, OP Our Lady of the Rosary
Robin Irenaeus 7/3
Lisa Philip Neri 5/26
Fcoleman Acacius 4/9
Joe Maria Goretti 7/9
Joe's Wife James of La Marca 11/28
Denise Gregory 11/17
Denise's Family Ludger 3/26
Just a quick note to say thanks for doing this for me and my wife. I spent some time in prayer with St Margaret by introducing myself to her. We have ALOT in common.
Eleanor asked me to have a saint choose her as she is unable to get on the internet. My e-mail address is peteriedesel@gmail.com Thank you and God Bless.
Please send me a Saint: MustangRu@aol.com
Thank you and God bless!
New Results
Michael Henry II, 7/15
Tim Gerard Majella 10/16
Alexander John Baptist de Rossi
Kevin Crescentia 6/15
Deanna Pius X 9/3
Dominique St. Melchior (one of the wisemen)
Isaiah Jonas 3/29
Wes Candida Maria de Jesus
Stacy Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Trent Polycarp 1/26
Michaela John Capistran 3/28
Joyce Barachisius 3/29
Ruthann Peter Claver 9/9
Hello my name is Ruby Enriquez, I would like to participate. Can you please contact me and let me know else I need to do to participate?
email: ruby_red1976@yahoo.com
More Results from the Drawing on the Epiphany
Melissa Gregory Nazianzen 5/9
J&B, 4 Holy Crowned Martyrs 11/8
Peter and kids Josaphat 11/14
Voca Holy Innocents 12/28
Maybette Cajetan 8/7
Lupe Anne 7/26
Ruby Acacius 4/9
Danny Jovita 2/15
DJ Roch 8/16
Darren Charles Borromeo 11/4
More Results on the Feast of the Holy Family
the Homes Eventius 5/3
the Roofs Peter of Verona 4/29
Juras's kids Plutarch 6/28
the BCauses Mary of the Cross
the Generations Our Lady of the Rosary
BOccupation Irenaeus 7/3
BBride John of the Cros 11/24
the Guides Edbert 5/6
Olivia Damien Joseph de Veuster
Nicholas Cosmas 7/27
Corby Marie Soubirous 2/18
Cathie U Domitilla 5/12
Please sign me up for the 2012 Patron Saint of the Year Devotion. Thank you.
Please select a Saint of the year for me. I can be reached at cloiclark@hotmail.com
Thank you,
More results:
Catherine Evaristus 10/26
Laura Abbot Bernardo Tolomei
Laura's Husband Chrysanthus 10/25
Carolyn Our Lady of Sorrows 9/15
Tim W Alexius 7/17
Please pick a Saint for me, my husband, my two sons. Thank you and God Bless!
Please select a saint for me, Teri Finchum tfinchum@dir.ca.gov thank you in advance, i am really excited to see who will pick me to be my saint for the year.
William needs a patron saint for the year. My e-mail: peteriedesel@gmail.com
Thank you and God Bless.
New results
Elizabeth Servulus 12/23
Dawn William 6/25
Melissa Marie Soubirous 2/18
JT Genevieve 1/3
JT's Husband Jude 10/28
JT's first son Gaetano Errico
JT's second son Dominic 8/4
Teri Eusebius 8/14
William Anselm 4/21
Emilia Joseph the Workman 5/1
Aceveskm Richard 4/3
I would love you to draw a saint for me. Tejasmarie@gmail.com.
Please draw (3) for me and my two sons.
Would you please have a saint assigned to me for the year 2012? I consider this opportunity to be a great blessing.
Please inform me of my saint for 2012 and for my family members. Thank you
Send all to mickshep1@juno.com
Michelle Shepard
Rick Shepard
Sean Shepard
Derek Shepard
Please may I have one?
New Results from tonight
Tejas Gregory VII 3/25
Kristi Rosalia 9/4
Kelsey Blessed Andre
Nicole Damien Joseph de Veuster
Heather Maximin 12/15
Daniel Cunegundes 3/3
Roberto Richard 4/3
Kiijam Volusian 1/18
Kiijam son 1 Gregory 11/17
Kiijam son 2 Paul 6/26
Nicole William 6/25
Dominic Zephyrinus 8/26
Gabriel Stanislaus 5/7
Anthony John the Hospitaller 1/9
Joseph Dana 10/25
Ned George 4/23
Aardvark Marcellinus 6/2 (one of a few saints with that name)
Michael Thomas of Villanova 9/22
Danny John of Avila
Michelle Polycarp 1/26
Rick Secunda 7/10
Sean Clotilda 6/3
Derek Barachisius 3/29
Adriana Susanna 8/11
David, husband Giles 9/1
David, son Norbert 6/6
Esteban Genevieve 1/3
Sandy Bede 4/10
Vanessa Dominic 8/4
Ray Gregory VII 3/25
James Olympias 12/17
Bernie Jane Frances de Chantal 8/21
Gina Soter 4/22
New Results on the Octave Day of the Epiphany
Margaret Donatian 5/24
Felicia Cyril of Jerusalem 3/18
Leticia Remigius 10/1
Toni Cyril of Alexandria 2/9
Joey William 6/25
Michael Our Lady of Lourdes 2/11
Eddie Valentine 2/14
Alexis Boniface 5/14
Sequoia Gregory 1/4
Jerrod Marcellus 1/6
Devon Servulus 12/23
Theresa Sebastian 1/20
Thank you St.Sebastian
Can one particular Saint be assigned more than once?
Oops! I forgot to add: because I see Saint William 6/25 has been assigned to 2 different people.
I would really love to have a Saint pick me, my e-mail is crazyclayer@aol.com
Thanks so much!
Is it too late to ask for a saint for myself and my fiancée Joseph???? Blessings, Monique. caritas333@gmail.com
Yes, a saint can be drawn more than once.
i would like to participate: benallenj@gmail.com
Please send me a Saint.
Thank you and God bless you!
Please send a Saint to my son, Dustin.
Thank you and God bless you!
Please send a Saint to my granddaughter, Hailey:
Thank you and God bless you!
Please pick a saint for me for this year. thanks,
More Results
Peter Stephen 9/2
Monique Giles 9/1
Joseph Servulus 12/23
Mary Medard 6/8
Cindy Servulus 12/23
Dustin Veronica of Milan 1/13
Hailey Our Lady of Lourdes 2/11
cc461855 Cloud 7/7
Please assign me a saint for 2012.
My name is Katy (irish.dreemer@gmail.com)
Thank you and God bless,
I would be honored to be selected by a saint. Pat
I would like to participate. Could you please pick a Saint for me? Thank you in advance! cheryljaycob@aol.com
Please pick saints (2) for:
SusanM's family
email is: soneeday40@yahoo.com
Thank you and God Bless
This seems like a wonderful devotion. I would love to be selected by a saint.
email: norn5000@gmail.com
Thank you!
Yes please!
Please have a saint select me, my email address is
captcrunch73@gmail.com. Thank you in advance.
Please have a saint select me, my email address is captcrunch73@gmail.com. Thank you in advance.
More results on the Feastday of St Marcellus
Katy Modestus 6/15
Brittany Bede the Venerable 5/27
marpat John the Evangelist 12/27
Pete St. Philogonius 12/20
SusanM Polycarp 1/26
SusanM's family Secunda 7/10
Chery Pius I
Chris P Gatian 12/18
Capt Crunch St. Battista (canonized by Pope Benedict XVI)
I would like to participate in the Patron Saint of the Year, Please pick a saint for me. My e- mail is (Juberma@optonline.net) Thank you and blessings to you.
Thank you for my saint--Saint John the Evangelist. I will look up info on him, and now start praying to him. Anything else I am to do? Pat
What do I do with all these emails coming to me? I do not know what to comment! Pat
Thank you so very much for sending a Saint to my son, my granddaughter and me.
Saint Servulus chose me.
Saint Veronica of Milan chose my son.
Both of these Saints lived in poverty.
Saint Servulus was a beggar all his life, and Saint Veronica begged on behalf of her Order.
Makes me wonder if this is telling my son and myself something about being worldly.
My granddaughter was chosen by :
Our Lady of Lourdes!!!
What a blessed girl she is.
She is happy beyond words.
Thank you so much for this devotion.
God bless you, your family and loved ones,
More Results on the Feast of Ss. Sebastian and Fabian
Sharon Charles of St Andrew
Juberma Cyril of Jerusalem 3/18
Cathy Didacus 11/13
Kayla Slyvester 12/31
Nell William 1/10
Thank you so very much for sending a Saint to me! Father Charles of St. Andrew chose me! He dedicated himself to spiritual direction, especially through the sacrament of Confession. He was canonized in June of 2007, the same month and year I made my confession after have been away from the church for more than 20 years! May God reward you and our Blessed Mother protect you!
Two more
Lisa John Cantius 10/20
Terri Eligius 12/1
Hi, this is Terri. I did indeed get St. Eligius as my patron saint this year. I don't know much about him at all. When I looked him up I realized I had helped edit a family member's art paper about a painting of St. Eligius (painting by Petrus Christus). I discovered he is the patron saint of metalworkers but also the patron saint of horses and those who work with horses. One of my children is beginning horseback riding.
What appealed to me most was this information I found: "The use of one's talents and wealth for the welfare of humanity is a very true reflection of the image of God. In the case of St. Eligius, he was so well liked that he attracted many to Christ. His example should encourage us to be generous in spirit and kind and happy in demeanor." an admirable role model.
I think having St. John the Evangelist pick me is a good fit, as I am a lector at my parish. I am praying to him to improve my skills, and to understand the readings I am to proclaim. Also, to read so others understand the messages! Pat
Please have a saint select our family.
Dad, Mom, Daughter, Son 1, Son 2.
Thank you
God Bless.
Lara Murphy - lara_murphy@hotmail.com
Last Results
Mary Edan Teresa 10/15
MDoc Philogonius 12/20
Filip G. Erasmus 6/2
Matthew Fabian 1/20
Marian Peter of Alcantara 10/19
Dad Gregory Barbarigo
Mom Apollinaris 1/8
Son Marie de la Croix
Daughter 1 Thomas of Canterbury 12/27
Daughter 2 James of La Marca 11/28
Lara Helena 8/18
Linda Blaise 2/3
This year I was choosen by St. Cloud. I cannot find a book about him but did find he is the patron of carbuncles. I am driving a lady to college who cannot drive because she had foot surgery having carbuncles removed. St. Cloud, pray for us.
Dear Matthew,
I just e-mailed you to ask for a patron saint to choose me for 2013. I learned a lot about my patron saint this year -- Saint John Cantius. I was very honored to have him as my patron saint-- I hope one day to go to Poland his homeland and to the church St. John Cantius in Chicago. I also became familiar with the Canon Regulars from that church site. Known for his good humor and humility... I can only hope that the same is said of me! Oddly or not so oddly when it comes to our family of the saints... I induced my mom to write you and she was given St. Peter of Alcantera whose feast day is the day before St. John Cantius's feast day. I was very excited about that... altho I think my mom was a little hesitant to be excited. We are both converts (as well as a brother who converted) and choosing a patron saint for the year is a new thing for us. I look forward to 2013 and the saint who will choose me! My best to you, Lisa
I'd like to participate in the saint for the year. rosarygirl1062@yahoo.com (Lorrie)
I would like a saint for me and my daughter. I hope we are not too late!
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