Justice John Roberts has already been confirmed to the Supreme Court. Now let us keep the Court in our prayers that they might defend life for everyone from conception to natural death. I am hopeful that he will support life. He is a Catholic so he should support life.
May God bless America, and may America praise God.
Update on July 21, 2005:
I have just read that if Justice John Roberts is confirmed to the United States's Supreme Court, he will be the fourth Catholic on the court at the present time. His position on abortion is a little unsure, but his wife is a member of Feminists for Life. I think that he would serve our country well, but I certainly would like to hear his answers to abortion; I certainly hope he would vote against Roe vs. Wade, which legalized the murder of an unborn child.
Written on July 4th, 2005:
I'm asking anyone that hasn't done this action to please do so very soon.
As of last Friday, Sandra Day O'Connor announced her retirement from the US Supreme Court even though rumors suggested Chief Justice Renqheist would retire before her. In light of this announcement by Justice O'Connor, President George W. Bush must appoint a replacement to the High Court.
While on the court Sandra Day O'Connor was the major "swing" vote that could go either way. However, in most cases involving abortion, Justice O'Connor supported abortion, and now a major opportunity for the pro-life movement has opened up.
"She angered social conservatives by re-affirming abortion rights in several abortion-related cases, insisting states place "no undue burden" on those rights. Earlier this week, she sided firmly against Ten Commandments displays in both Texas and Kentucky" (Catholic Online).
Image Source: White House Photo by Paul Morse found on Wikipedia (Public Domain)
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