My parish has devotions each weekday after the Tuesday morning Mass to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. So, I plan to post those prayers here each Tuesday. May we all grow in deeper holiness to Our Lord through His mother.
Image Source: Believed to be in the Public DomainThe Novena prayer:
Behold at thy feet, 0 Mother of Perpetual Help, a wretched sinner who has recourse to thee and confides in thee. 0 Mother of mercy, have pity on me.
I hear thee called by all the refuge and the hope of sinners: be then, my refuge and my hope. Assist me, for the love of Jesus Christ; stretch forth thy hand to a miserable fallen creature who recommends himself to thee, and who devotes himself to thy service for ever.
I bless and thank Almighty God, who in His mercy has given me this confidence in thee, which I hold to be a pledge of my eternal salvation.
It is true that in the past I have miserably fallen into sin, because I had not recourse to thee. I know that, with thy help, I shall conquer.
I know. too, that thou wilt assist me, if I recommend myself to thee; but I fear that, in time of danger, I may neglect to call on thee, and thus lose my soul.
This grace, then, I ask of thee, and this I beg, with all the fervor of my soul, that in all the attacks of hell I may ever have recourse to thee. 0 Mary, help me. 0 Mother of Perpetual Help, never suffer me to lose my God.-----3 Hail Marys.
More prayers to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
1 comment(s):
O Our Lady of Perpetual help and St. Joseph teach me(us) how to work better. If there are gaps in my(our) professional formation that need be filled, please hastily obtain for me(us) such help that I(we) may become competent and work hard to foster the kingdom of God on earth. Amen.
Provide for us O St. Joseph and my Mother all other things that I(we) might need, especially those that I(we) am not aware of. You are such a good father. May you always be honored universally! Amen.
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