Portugal's Parliament has just voted and liberalized the abortion law: now "the new law will set no restrictions on women seeking to end their pregnancies up until the 10th week, though it does require a mandatory three-day reflection period before an abortion will be performed" (Christian Post)
"...there was darkness over all the earth" (Luke 23:44)
3 comment(s):
Now only Poland, Malta, and Ireland, are left, may they be protected by the prayers of the faithful and by thier patrons, St. Patrick, St. Stanislaus, and St. George as well as Our Lady of Knock, Our Lady of Czestachowa and the faithful departed Knights of Malta.
This is tragic news, but ee must not despair. We know who wins in the end - Christ. By his death and resurection he has conquered sin and death. Let us pray that people in Portugal do not use what this law allows, and for those that do - let us pray for their conversion. Let us pray also for the politicians who have turned against the love of God that he may touch their haarts so they might turn to him.
Lord save us!! I didn't hear it already happened... My heart is weeping for the unborn children that will never be born...
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