Thursday, June 8, 2006
A Prayer of Reparation For Unbelievers

Believe in the Gospel and Jesus Christ and everything shall be granted unto you! Only through repentance and the Sacraments can we ever find inner peace and strength.

Why do you doubt Jesus Christ? Do you believe that Alexander the Great existed? Do you believe King Tut existed? Why would you doubt Jesus Christ? There are many proofs of His life, death, and Resurrection.

Look at the faith of the martyrs, the apostles, and the saints. Would all of the 11 faithful disciples have died for the Faith if they were making it up? Look to the fact that the Church has survived every persecution that was thrown against it. Coincidence or the will of God? After all, the Catholic Church has been persecuted more than any other church. Study Ancient Rome and see.

Look to the place of Jesus's Ascension. The spot where Christ had stood could never be covered with the pavement; and more than that, the marble slabs placed there burst upwards into the faces of those who were laying them. The footprints in the dust there prove that the Lord had stood on that spot: the footprints are discernible and the ground still retains the depressions his feet had left. This is one small miracle of the many such miracles in our world.

Look at the Miracles of the Holy Eucharist and the apparitions of Mary. Study the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, Italy, or the one in Sienna, Italy. These are just some of the many! Look at the Miracle of the Sun witnessed by 70,000 people in Fatima in the year 1917. This was supernatural!

Numerous saints including St. Pius X, St. John Vianney, etc. are incorruptible - their bodies have never decayed. Sixty-two canonized saints/blesseds received the stigmata, the visible wounds of Jesus Christ on their hands and feet including:
  • St. Francis of Assisi (1186-1226)
  • St. Lutgarde (1182-1246)
  • St. Margaret of Cortona (1247-97)
  • St. Gertrude (1256-1302)
  • St. Clare of Montefalco (1268-1308)
  • Bl. Angela of Foligno (d. 1309)
  • St. Catherine of Siena (1347-80)
  • St. Lidwine (1380-1433)
  • St. Frances of Rome (1384-1440)
  • St. Colette (1380-1447)
  • St. Rita of Cassia (1386-1456)
  • Bl. Osanna of Mantua (1499-1505)
  • St. Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510)
  • Bl. Baptista Varani (1458-1524)
  • Bl. Lucy of Narni (1476-1547)
  • Bl. Catherine of Racconigi (1486-1547)
  • St. John of God (1495-1550)
  • St. Catherine de' Ricci (1522-89)
  • St. Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi (1566-1607)
  • Bl. Marie de l'Incarnation (1566-1618)
  • Bl. Mary Anne of Jesus (1557-1620)
  • Bl. Carlo of Sezze (d. 1670)
  • Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-90)
  • St. Veronica Giuliani (1600-1727)
  • St. Mary Frances of the Five Wounds (1715-91)
  • St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) (1887-1968)
I appeal to all unbelievers, please believe! I care about your soul! Believe because the only thing keeping you from doing that is sin and Satan. Satan wants you to be condemned to suffer in Hell just like he is condemned. The five ploys of Satan include spreading doubt about God's existence. Believe and follow Jesus Christ and you can be saved. He is the pearl of great price in the treasure field.

But above all - faith is a gift from God. It can not be learned or bought, it is a gift from God. Please, what do you have to lose? Please open yourself to the reception of the virtue of Faith.

Prayer of Reparation for those that don't believe in Our God:

O Most Merciful Heart of Jesus, Divine Mercy-seat, for Whose sake the Eternal Father has promised that He would always hear our prayers! I unite myself to Thee in offering to Thine Eternal Father this poor and needy heart of mine, contrite and humbled in His Divine presence, and desirous of making complete reparation for the offenses that are committed against Him, especially those which Thou dost continually suffer in the Holy Eucharist, and more particularly those which I myself have unhappily so often committed. Would that I could wash them away with my tears, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, and blot out with my own heart's blood the ingratitude wherewith we have repaid Thy tender love. I unite my sorrow, slight as it is, with the mortal agony which caused Thy sweat to become as drops of blood in the Garden of Olives at the very thought of our sins. Do Thou offer it, dear Lord, to Thine Eternal Father in union with Thy Sacred Heart. Render Him infinite thanks for the manifold blessings which He constantly showers upon us, and let Thy love supply for our want of thankfulness and remembrance. Grant me the grace always to present myself in a spirit of deepest reverence before the face of Thy Divine Majesty, in order thus to repair in some measure the irreverence and outrages which I have dared to commit before Thee; grant also, that from this day forth, I may devote myself with all my might to drawing, both by word and example, many souls to know Thee and to experience the riches of Thy Heart. From this moment I offer and dedicate myself wholly to propagating the honor due to Thy most sweet Sacred Heart.

I choose It as the object of all my affection, and desires, and from this hour forevermore I set up in It my perpetual abode, thanking, adoring and loving It with all my heart, inasmuch as It is the Heart of my Jesus, Who is worthy to be loved, the Heart of my King and sovereign Lord, the Bridegroom of my soul, my Shepherd and Master, my truest Friend, my loving Father, my sure Guide, my unfailing protection and my everlasting blessedness. Amen.
My Apologies: Blogger Errors

Blogger has been giving me severe problems these past few days. I am unable to post/edit my posts during the afternoon and most of the evening. My posts are sometimes posted two or three times. And, I keep getting error messages saying Blogger is down for maintenance. I found out that other bloggers are dealing with the same.

So, please forgive my lack of posts. I'm trying to post, but Blogger isn't allowing me for a good part of the day. Now, with it getting late, I am able to post again.
Words of Inspiration: June 8, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"When you know how much God is in love with you the you can only live your life radiating that love."

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Prayer for Peace

O God, from Whom are holy desires, right counsels, and just works: give to Thy servants that which the world cannot give, both that our hearts may be disposed to obey Thy commandments, and also, the fear of enemies being removed, our times, by Thy protection, may be peaceful. Through our Lord.

Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal, Votive Mass for Peace

Image Source: Mass during World War I, Public Domain

Novena to St. Anthony: Day Five


O wonderful St. Anthony, glorious on account of the fame of your miracles, and through the condescension of Jesus in coming in the form of a little child to rest in your arms, obtain for me of His bounty the grace which I ardently desire from the depths of my heart . (State your intention)

You who were so compassionate toward miserable sinners, regard not the unworthiness of those who pray to you, but the glory of God that it may once again be magnified by the granting of the particular request (State your intention) which I now ask for with persevering earnestness. Amen

(Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory Be to the Father, in honor of Saint Anthony.)

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


I salute you, St. Anthony, lily of purity, ornament and glory of Christianity. I salute you, great Saint, cherub of wisdom and seraph of divine love. I rejoice at the favors our Lord has so liberally bestowed upon you. In humility and confidence I entreat you to help me, for I know that God has given you charity and pity, as well as power. I ask you by the love you did feel toward the Infant Jesus as you held him in your arms to tell Him now of the favor I seek through your intercession in this novena (State your intention).

(One Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory Be to the Father, in honor of Saint Anthony).

Saint Anthony, pray for us!
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Prayer to Forgive Those that Hurt Us

Almighty God, You have listened patiently to my concerns and consoled me in times of hardship. Let me remember Your presence and love for me when I am called upon to forgive another person for an unkind word or action. You have shown me how to act, what to say, what to do, and yet I sometimes react in anger and find it difficult to forgive others as You so often have forgiven me. Grant that I may recognize this failing in myself and remember Your words and example whenever I have need of a forgiving spirit. Amen

Image Source: Unknown, Believed to be in the Public Domain
Novena to St. Anthony - Day Four


O wonderful St. Anthony, glorious on account of the fame of your miracles, and through the condescension of Jesus in coming in the form of a little child to rest in your arms, obtain for me of His bounty the grace which I ardently desire from the depths of my heart . (State your intention)

You who were so compassionate toward miserable sinners, regard not the unworthiness of those who pray to you, but the glory of God that it may once again be magnified by the granting of the particular request (State your intention) which I now ask for with persevering earnestness. Amen

(Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory Be to the Father, in honor of Saint Anthony.)

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


I salute and honor you, O powerful helper, St. Anthony. The Christian world confidently turns to you and experiences your tender compassion and powerful assistance in so many necessities and sufferings that I am encouraged in my need to seek you help in obtaining a favorable answer to my request for the favor I seek in this novena (State your intention). O holy St. Anthony, I beseech you, obtain for me the grace that I desire.

(One Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory Be to the Father, in honor of Saint Anthony).

Saint Anthony, pray for us!
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Pope Benedict XVI Celebrates Pentecost

This past weekend we celebrated Pentecost and the Holy Father did the same. In a Mass to more than 100,000 including thousands of members of lay movements that met with him the previous day, Pope Benedict XVI said the Holy Spirit "...rebuilds the bridge of true communication between heaven and earth." He also said the spirit tears down "...the walls of indifference, hatred, and violence." And it "... illuminates the human spirit and, revealing Christ crucified and risen, indicates the way to become like Him."

Photo Source: (AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito)

Pentecost at the Pantheon:


"Today at the Church S. Maria ad Martyres, otherwise known as the Pantheon, an annual event much beloved of the Romans took place. At the end today’s Pentecost Mass red rose petals were let to fall in great abundance through the oculus or "eye" of the dome, which is open to the sky. The dome is actually a foot wider than the cupola of St. Peter’s Basilica. At the end of Mass fireman from Rome’s fire department did the honors and let fall the petals."
Coming One-Year anniversary

(Moved to the top) Thank you for everyone that has written to me so far. It is deeply appreciated!

Original Post: Hello, everyone!

I wanted to ask a favor of any of you that have read my blog before. It doesn't matter if you comment all the time or if you have never commented before. This month is the one-year anniversary of my blog, and I want to find out if it has impacted people. I put this site together for Jesus Christ. It wasn't for me; it wasn't for popularity. It was all for Jesus and His Church.

Since day one, this has been my inspiration to continue: "There are not one hundred people in this world who dislike Catholicism, but there are millions who dislike what they mistakenly believe Catholicism to be." - Archbishop Fulton Sheen

If you wouldn't mind, I would appreciate you write me a note on how this blog has impacted your life. Was it the prayers, news, perspective, etc. from my articles that impacted your faith? Has your involvement in your parish changed remotely because of this blog?

I thank you all for this amazing year!

If you would, as some of these may be more personal than others, email me your thoughts. Please email me here:


Just replaced [at] with @ and [dot] a period.

I've had such a wonderful time on this blog that I want this to continue for at least another year. We are near the one-month away point for the anniversary, so please send in your comments before the end of June.

Thank you, all!
Devotion to the Sacred Heart

"Let us remember that the Heart of Jesus has called us not only for our own sanctification, but also for that of other souls. He wants to be helped in the salvation of souls" (St. Padre Pio)

It is vitally important to not only meditate on the Sacred Heart of Jesus during June, the Month of the Sacred Heart, but also throughout the whole year.

When did devotion to the Sacred Heart begin?

Devotion to the Sacred Heart was approved for specified dioceses by Pope Clement XIII in 1765 and extended to the whole Church by Pope Pius IX in 1856. Pope Leo XIII dedicated the whole world to the Sacred Heart in 1899.

History of Liturgical Devotion & Papal Writings on Sacred Heart
  • 1765: Pope Clement XIII approved the Feast of the Sacred Heart for the bishops in Poland and for the Roman Archconfraternity of the Sacred Heart
  • 1856: Pope Pius IX extends the Feast of the Sacred Heart to the Universal Church
  • 1899: Pope Leo XIII writes Annum Sacrum saying in part: "In that Sacred Heart all our hopes should be placed, and from it the salvation of men is to be confidently sought." He conscrates the human race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 11, 1899, calling it "the greatest act of my pontificate."
  • 1928: Pope Pius XI writes Miserentissimus Redemptor (On Reparation To The Sacred Heart)
  • 1932: Pope Pius XI writes Caritate Christi Compulsi on the Sacred Heart as a remedy for the world's disorders
  • 1956: Pope Pius XII writes Haurietis Aquas on true devotion to the Sacred Heart.
See here for more information on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.
Devotions to Honor the Sacred Heart:
Our Lord also made 12 promises to St. Margaret Mary for those that are devoted to His Sacred Heart.
  1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state in life.
  2. I will give peace in their families.
  3. I will console them in all their troubles.
  4. They shall find in My Heart an assured refuge during life and especially at the hour of death.
  5. I will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings.
  6. Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.
  7. Tepid souls shall become fervent.
  8. Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection.
  9. I will bless the homes in which the image of My Sacred Heart shall be exposed and honoured.
  10. I will give to priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts.
  11. Those who propagate this devotion shall have their name written in My Heart, and it shall never be effaced.
  12. The all-powerful love of My Heart will grant to all those who shall receive Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months the grace of final repentance; they shall not die under My displeasure, nor without receiving their Sacraments; My Heart shall be their assured refuge at the last hour.

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