UPDATE (1/3/2017): I have updated this list and performed another drawing after Mass this morning.
UPDATE (1/9/2017): I have updated this list for today's drawing
UPDATE (1/15/2017): I have updated this list for today's drawing
I am very pleased to again be a facilitator for the Patron Saint of the Year Devotion. I have been part of this annual tradition since 2006 and have helped coordinate devotions for hundreds of families. It is my pleasure to now be part of the 2017 Patron Saint of the Year Devotion.
SPONSOR: This Devotion is being sponsored this year by CatechismClass.com.
Whether you are looking for godparent preparation courses, Sacramental
preparation for your children, or just to better learn the Faith as an
adult, CatechismClass.com has courses for all ages and walks of life. Check out CatechismClass.com's affordable programs and make it a resolution in 2017 to learn and live the Faith better than ever before.
You can read about the past devotions at the following posts:
- 2006 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2007 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2008 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2010 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2011 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2012 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2013 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2014 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2015 Saint for the Year Devotion
- 2016 Saint for the Year Devotion
When will the saints be drawn? This year I will start the drawing of saints on the Octave Day of Christmas after the 10 AM Solemn High Mass and after the recitation of both the Veni Creator Spiritus and the Litany of Saints. Drawings will occur as the Litany of Saints are again recited.
Saints will be emailed starting that afternoon and thereafter for the next few days. They will be posted here as well.
What is the Saint for the Year Devotion? Here is my post on this from years past to clarify the matter. This is from the person that draws all of the saints. I don't draw the saints. I will merely pass on your name or screenname to her so that she will draw a saint for you. Also, I will pass on the name of any of your family or friends that would like to participate. This isn't superstition. St. Faustina did the same thing!
Last year hundreds of people received saints to be their special patron, and there were miraculous connections. It was truly amazing. We pray that this year the Holy Ghost will again work so that all participants receive a saint that they will be able to pray to for aid throughout the entire year:
Saint for the Year
I want to tell you about the practice of picking a saint at random to be your “holy protector” for the year. Actually, the saint is the one who chooses us though. The tradition of letting a saint “pick you,” is not a new one. St. Faustina wrote about it in her diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul. The excerpt is below.Please pass this message on through your blogs and/or email distribution lists, letting all of the Catholic blogsphere have the chance to participate. I only ask that you give me your email address so that I may contact you when your saint is drawn. Usually within one to two days I can email you about your saint.
“There is a custom among us of drawing by lot, on New Year's Day, special Patrons for ourselves for the whole year. In the morning during meditation, there arose within me a secret desire that the Eucharistic Jesus be my special Patron for this year also, as in the past. But, hiding this desire from my Beloved, I spoke to Him about everything else but that. When we came to refectory for breakfast, we blessed ourselves and began drawing our patrons. When I approached the holy cards on which the names of the patrons were written, without hesitation I took one, but I didn't read the name immediately as I wanted to mortify myself for a few minutes. Suddenly, I heard a voice in my soul: ‘I am your patron. Read.’ I looked at once at the inscription and read, ‘Patron for the Year 1935 - the Most Blessed Eucharist.’ My heart leapt with joy, and I slipped quietly away from the sisters and went for a short visit before the Blessed Sacrament, where I poured out my heart. But Jesus sweetly admonished me that I should be at that moment together with the sisters. I went immediately in obedience to the rule.”Excerpt from Divine Mercy in My Soul, the Diary of St. Faustina"
I have a container full of names ... I will be glad to pick out the name for you and send you the name if you prefer. I am so excited by my saint(s) ... I already picked mine. Well, I should say that they picked me ... I have Saints Marcus and Marcellianus ... they are twin brothers who were sent to prison before their death. St. Sebastian visited them continually in prison and helped keep their faith alive. They are buried near St. Felix and are specifically honored in Spain.
OK now ... here are a couple of immediate ironies in regard to these saints ... I have a SPECIAL place in my heart for twins! As a child, I LOVED reading the story about St. Sebastian. I had a children's book of saints and I think I wore out the pages on St. Sebastian! Felix is my grandfather's name! Silvia, our exchange student, is from Spain! I am so excited to have these two saints to walk through 2006 with me! I'm looking forward as to where and how they will intercede for me.
So, please leave it below in the comment box when you ask to participate. If you wish to remain anonymous, please leave your initials instead of your name. Do not add the same request more than once. If you comment is posted below, it will count.
Note: If you emailed me directly your request, DO NOT leave it here in the comments box. Do not duplicate entries.
So, comment below and pass this message on throughout the entire Catholic Blogsphere!
I handle the planning, marketing, and drawing for this devotion each year without any cost. Please take a minute and if you are a supporter of this devotion, please consider leaving us a free will donation. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps me continue working on this devotion and spreading it further and it helps keep A Catholic Life online. It is especially helpful as I am currently between full time jobs.
Name | Saint |
Theresa (Terry) | St. William Pinchon |
John | St. Isaac Jogues |
Joe | Blessed Julia Rodzinska |
Katie | St. Thomas the Apostle |
Tim W | Blessed Sibyllina |
Nathan B | St. Ormond |
Elijah C | St. Alexander (the martyred saint) |
Griffin C | St. Paternus of Auch |
Mason C | St. Gundenis of Carthage |
Max D | St. Bernadette Soubirous |
Andrew D | St. John the Apostle |
Jeffrey D | Blessed Andrew of Peschiera |
Michael D | Our Lady of Divine Grace |
Francis D | St. Marie Therese Vauzou |
Nicholas D | St. William of Gellone |
Dominic D | Blessed Alfred of Hildesheim |
Jimmy D | St. Ubaldus |
Dominic B. | St. John of Parma |
Dorothy C. | St. Albert of Montecorvino |
Lucy Drury | St. Cloud |
Gemma Drury | St. Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Anne Drury | St. Francis of Assisi |
Catherine T. | Blessed Chiara Badano |
Nikolas T. | St. William of Ebelholt |
Caitlind T. | St. Martha |
Chris A. | St. William of Breteuil |
Sandy | St. Maruontus |
Brandon | Blessed Osanna of Kotor |
Rachel | Blessed Jordan of Saxony |
Elaine | St. William Pinchon |
Fred | St. James the Lesser |
Jennifer | St. Dominic Savio |
Jonathan | St. Joseph of Leonissa |
Leslie | St. Illadan of Rathlihen |
Debbie | St. Januarius |
Jeremy | The Seven Holy Brothers |
Ryan | St. Elizabeth of Hungary |
D.A. | St. Martin de Porres |
Alan A. | Blessed James of Bevagna |
Lisa W | St. Rosius of Campania |
Bill W | Blessed Herman the Cripple |
EW | St. Gregory the Illuminator |
MW | Blessed James of Bevagna |
MK | Blessed Terence |
PM | Blessed Andre Duliou |
DJ | St. Philomena |
FH | St. Claudine Thevenet |
Janine D | St. Simeon, bishop and martyr |
Kyle | Blessed Osanna of Kotor |
Rohlena Family | St. Evasius of Asti |
Ruth | Blessed Guala |
Sarah | S. Maruonitus |
John | St. Severinus |
Mr. Michael Brown, OP | Pope St. Sixtus II |
Matthew | Our Lady of Carmel of the Maipu |
Max D | St. John Chrysostom |
Kevin | St. Judoc |
Jennifer | Blessed John of Salerno |
Joyce | St. Emily de Vialar |
Bruce | St. Edward the King |
Emily Milne | St. Emilie de Villeneuve |
Sioban Milne | Blessed Andre Duliou |
Katie Milne | St. Andeolus of Smyrna |
Ian Milne | St. Madeleine Sophie Barat |
Mary Ann Andersen | St. Acius of Amiens |
Liese Engel | St. Aderald |
Kathy Rossi | Blessed Karl of Austria |
Lucy E. | St. Casimir of Poland |
Mike V. | Blessed Alphonsus and Companions |
ABG | St. Anthony of Egypt |
VB | St. Teresa of Avila |
AMBG | Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception |
JJL | St. Crescentianus |
JSL JR | St. Hyginus, the Pope |
JNB JR | St. Rhipsime |
DLB | Pope St. Silverius |
FMB | St. John the Apostle |
JEG | Pope St. Sixtus II |
Susan Maly | St. Gaugericus |
Kathy Green | Our Lady of Divine Grace |
M.N.W. | Our Lady of Lourdes |
A.S. | St. Paulinus of Trier |
J.S. | St. Henry II |
Jo Razzle | St. Severinus |
V. Slaman | St. Agathangelus |
J. Slaman | St. Maurice |
N. Slaman | St. Evasius of Asti |
JL.Slaman | St. Rafael Guizar Valencia |
Ben Ewing | St. Andeolus of Smyrna |
Jeannie Ewing | St. Quintian of Rodez |
Felicity Ewing | St. Ceollach |
Sarah Ewing | St. Gregory of Nyssa |
Carolyn Clark | St. Theophilus of Corte |
jmr1979 | St. Madeleine Sophie Barat |
Julie | St. Anselm of Canterbury |
Marianna | Blessed Thomas Guengoro |
John Paul | St. Wistremundus of Cordoba |
Thomas | Blessed Filip Gervluk |
Araceli | St. Theophilus of Corte |
Tracy I | St. Martina |
Teshia I | St. Dominic Savio |
Christian I | St. Bernard of Clairvaux |
Jagear I | St. Denis |
Gloria ITheisen | Blessed Margaret of Castello |
Joseph (df_seals) | Blessed Aimo |
Andy M | St. Leo the Great |
Robert J | St. Frances of Rome |
Laura L | St. Hyacintha of Mariscotti |
Charmaine D | St. Guarinus of Sitten |
Isaac O. | Blessed Karl of Austria |
Joan O. | Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
Liu Mew | St. Poemus of Membressa |
Julie T. | St. Martina |
Bill T. | St. Cladian of Perga |
Scott T. | St. William of Ebelholt |
Blake T. | St. Margaret Queen of Scotland |
Ruth S. | Blessed Josefa Naval Girbes |
Christine MacL. | St. Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Fran T. | Blessed John Liccio |
Joe Sales | St. Stanislaus Kostka |
Cathleen W. | St. Scholastica |
Seppy P. | Blessed Josefa Naval Girbes |
Alma R. | St. Isidore of Seville |
John R. | St. Guarinus of Sitten |
Tina Z | St. Cornelia the Martyr |
Joe (Fiance) | St. Alena |
Michelle R. | St. Rigobert of Rheims |
M.A. | St. Joseph of Leonissa |
Jessa | St. Peter Fourier |
Jessa's future husband | St. Isidore of Seville |
Jessa's dad | St. Juliana Falconieri |
Jessa's Mom | Pope St. Telesphorus |
Lorraine | St. Edward the Confessor |
Mira | St. Elzear of Sabran |
Debbie | St. Emilie de Rodat |
Joe | St. Juliana Falconieri |
Thomas | Blessed Cecilia (the Dominican) |
David | Blessed Benvenuta |
Stephanie | St. Colman |
Christian B | Blessed Sadoc and Companions |
Cheryl G | St. Pretextatus |
Jacob C | Blessed Jane of Orvieto |
Mark | St. Tironensian Order |
Merryn | St. Louise de Marillac |
Cindy | St. Stephen the First Martyr |
Dustin | St. Bernard of Clairvaux |
Lila | St. Dominic Savio |
Hailey | St. Andrew Fournet |
Joey V | St. Petroc |
Madalena | Blessed Pier Giorgio |
Lisa B | Pope St. Alexander I |
Ramona D | St. Rhipsime |
Holly B-D | St. Anthony of Egypt |
DiNardo Family | St. Maurice |
Lara P | St. Catherine Laboure |
Sean | Blessed Bertrand of Garrigue |
Brendan | St. Peter Faber |
Barry M. | St. Peter of Juilly |
Susan M. | St. John of the Grating |
Erin M. | St. Peter Fourier |
Alex M. | Blessed Bezela of Goda |
Elly M. | St. Auspicius of Trier |
Anna M. | St. Gertrude the Great |
Evelyn M. | Blessed Raymond of Capua |
Anthony M. | Blessed James Salomonio |
Marie M. | Blessed Innocent V |
Sentina M. | St. Dogmael of Wales |
Theodore M. | St. Hyacintha of Mariscotti |
Jim Bond | St. Isidore of Alexandria |
Evangeline Ang | Blessed Anthony of Pavonio |
Maryann | Blessed Raymond of Capua |
Heidi M. | St. Hitto of Saint-Gall |
Harry | St. Martin of Tours |
Isabella | St. Theobald of Dorat |
Irene K. | Blessed Stephen Bellesini |
Denise G | St. Willibald |
Sara C | St. Theodore Guerin |
Sandra Salazar | St. Boniface (the one whose feast is June 5th) |
Valerie V | St. Cosmas |
Olindo V | Blessed Hyacinthe Cormier |
Katie V | Pope St. Evaristus |
D.E.W | The Martyrs of Hayle |
C.P.W | St. Cadroe |
M.T.W | St. Berno of Cluny |
M.K.W | St. Isidore of Seville |
M.J.W | St. Domnin |
Ray & Rosalina Lopez family | St. Elizabeth of Hungary |
James Bobo | St. Padre Pio |
BN | St. Pierre Dumoulin-Borie |
JD | St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier |
James B | St. Scholastica |
Michelle B | St. Robert Bellarmine |
Craig J | St. Francis Caraccilolo |
Andrew J | St. Cajetan |
Christopher J | St. Teresa of Avila |
GS | Blessed Benvenuta |
JS | St. Bartholomew |
AS | Blessed Sibyllina |
PSR | St. Meneve |
ASR | Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores-Alonso |
LS | St. Elizabeth of Hungary |
FW | St. Linus, Pope |
John | St. John of the Grating |
PW | St. Bertrand of Comminges |
SW | St. Cyril of Alexandria |
MW | St. Anthony of Padua |
JoAnne | St. Cecilia |
Ken | St. Cadroe |
Lauren | St. Flavian of Autun |
Mark | St. Berno of Cluny |
Sean | St. Rhipsime |
Jenn D. | Blessed Ann of the Angels |
Stacy Daumeyer | Blessed Andrew Franchi |
Mike Daumeyer | St. Anthony the Hermit |
Noelle Daumeyer | St. Maturus the Novice |
Paul Daumeyer | St. Meneve |
Caroline (Casey) Daumeyer | St. Hippolytus |
Marge J | St. Louis Gabriel Taurin Dufresse |
Judy C | St. Cadroe |
Thomas W | Blessed Andrew Franchi |
Mary DW | St. John Baptist de la Salle |
Paul DW | St. Peter Fourier |
David DW | St. Rufino |
Rachel DW | St. Juan Diego |
Mark W | St. Joan of Valois |
Teresa M | St. Leontius |
Debbie G. | Blessed Andrew of Peschiera |
Kevin G. | St. Basil the Great |
Nick G. | St. Joan Antidea Thouret |
colleen G. | St. Theodulus the Lector |
Aaron s. | St. Rosius of Campania |
Caitlin G. | St. Crispina |
Dan D | St. Ulbaldus |
Julie D | St. Leudwinus |
S. Family | St. John Chrysostom |
Deb W | St. Agatha |
Kevin H | St. Noel Chabanel |
Francy H | St. John of San Facundo |
Emily U | St. Meneve |
AJ U | St. Ascelina |
Eileen S | St. Maurice |
Brian S | St. Severinus |
Elise H | St. Kiaran |
Owen H | Blessed Dalmatius |
Tom | St. Stephen the First Martyr |
Anne | St. Baldwin of Rieti |
Maggie | St. Nonno of Porto Romano |
Celia | St. Crispina |
Eli | St. Crispin |
Vivian | Blessed Lucy of Narni |
GG | St. Antoninus of Pamiers |
LG | St. Leonie Aviat |
GGS | St. Berno of Cluny |
Lauren | St. Bertrand of Comminges |
Guyjr | St. Ignatius of Loyola |
Guysr | Blessed Marcolino |
Lara | Blessed Alvarez of Cordova |
S. | St. Joseph Marchand |
M. | St. Rusticus of Narbonne |
Erica D. | St. Charles Lwanga |
Stephen P. | St. Alexis Falconieri |
Jennifer P. | St. Francois-Isidore Gagelin |
Michael | Pope St. Silverius |
Tracy | St. William of Gellone |
Ainsley | St. Patrick |
Kaley | St. Cloud |
Clare R | St. Jeanne de Lestonnac |
Helen G | St. Aymard of Cluny |
Laura Villanueva | Pope St. Anicetus |
Jeff | Blessed John of Fiesole |
Ashton | St. Illadan of Rathlihen |
Kaylee | Blessed Dalmatius |
Greg | St. Jane Frances de Chantal |
Mary | St. Antoninus of Pamiers |
Ashley | St. William of Breteuil |
Jason | St. Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi |
Quinn | St. Frumentius |
Celia | St. Julian the Hospitaller |
Susan G | St. Maurice |
If you are not familiar your saint, I encourage you to research online and even pick up a copy of Father Hugo Hoever's "Live of the Saints," from which I read daily. While the book does not include saints canonized in recent years, it is something that I am highly recommending. You can also view the list of many saints on this blog by clicking here. And if your saint isn't there, you can simply Google their name.
Here is a prayer to honor any saint: http://acatholiclife.blogspot.com/2006/01/prayer-to-venerate-any-saint.html
72 comment(s):
Lucy Drury
Gemma Drury
Anne Drury
Catherine T.
Nikolas T.
Caitlind T.
Chris A.
Sandy, Brandon, Rachel, Elaine, Fred, Jennifer, Jonathan, Leslie
Please choose a saint for me (Tim W) and, Nathan B, Elijah C, Griffin C, Mason C, Max D, Andrew D, Jeffrey D, Michael D, Francis D, Nicholas D,Dominic D, Jimmy D, and Dominic B. Thank you.
For me and my husband thank you. D.A. and Alan A.
Lisa W.and Bill W. Thank you
Please draw saints for EW, MW, MK, PM, DJ, and FH. Thank you!
Janine and Kyle please. Thank you!
The Rohlena family, please. Thank you for this!
Ruth, Sarah, John
Michael, Matthew, Max, Kevin, Jen, Joyce, and Bruce
Emily Milne
Sioban Milne
Katie Milne
Ian Milne
Thank you!
Mary Ann Andersen. Thank you.
One for myself. Thank you very much for your ministry!
Thank you, Matthew, for this wonderful ministry. Please have a Saint pick me and I will await the name of that Saint. I have one in mind that I've prayed to receive but we will see what happens. My name is Laura L.
Kathy Rossi
.....Thank you!
Thank you please put me Lucy E. and Mike V
Please pick a saint for me.
Thank you!
Kathy Green
Please picked for:
Thank you and God bless!
Jo Razzle
Yes please add us again this year.
V. Slaman
J. Slaman
N. Slaman
Wonderful. Thank you and God Bless you
Thank you for this beautiful ministry!
Please draw saints for:
Ben Ewing (age 37)
Jeannie Ewing (age 35)
Felicity Ewing (age 6)
Sarah Ewing (age 3)
Please pick a saint for me.
Carolyn Clark
Please pick a saint for me. Fourth year!
Not sure it posted first time.
Thank you!
Julie needs a saint, as does Marianna, John Paul, Thomas and Araceli. Thank you!
Tracy I
Teshia I
Christian I
Jagear I
Gloria ITheisen
christina B. (thank-you!)
Please add us again this year.
Cheryl G
Jacob C
For Mark and also for Merryn
Thank you, Matthew, for this wonderful ministry. Please have Saints pick for me and my family:
A patron for the new year, please! Thank you!
Thank you, Merry Christmas & Happy New year!
Thank you Matthew! Ramona D., Holly B-D and the DiNardo family
Please Enter Denise G and Sara C
please send notice to wolfiesmomtoo at yahoo.com
Thank You!!!
I love this! Thank you for continuing it yearly.
Please enter Sandra Salazar
Thank you for this every year ! Please pick a Saint for me , my Husband and Daughter...
Valerie V ( Me)
Olindo V ( Husband)
Katie V ( daughter)
Thank you and God Bless
Thank you for this!
Thank you!
James B
Michelle B
Craig J
Andrew J
Christopher J
Please pick a saint for me.
Jenn D.
Thank you!!!
please pick a saint for:
I do this every year and love it!! thank you for your kindness!
please pick a saint for:
I do this every year and love it!! thank you for your kindness!
Please pick Saints for my family:
Stacy Daumeyer
Mike Daumeyer
Noelle Daumeyer
Paul Daumeyer
Caroline (Casey) Daumeyer
If it is not too late, I would appreciate you selecting a saint for me again this year!
Marge J
Please choose a saint for me, Judy C. Thank you.
Please choose a saint for our family members:
Thomas W
Mary DW
Paul DW
David DW
Rachel DW
Mark W
Thank you!
Thank you for this devotion. I would love to walk with a saint in 2017. I am requesting a saint's name.
Please choose a Saint for or family Members:
Debbie G.
Kevin G.
Nick G.
colleen G.
Aaron s.
Caitlin G.
thank You!
Please choose a Saint for
Dan D
Julie D
Please pick a saint for the S. Family. Thank you!
Please pick a saint for me. God bless! Deb W.
Please choose a Saint for my family members:
Kevin H
Francy H
Emily U
Eileen S
Brian S
Elise H
Owen H
Thank you !
Please pick saints for our family
Tom, Anne, Maggie, Celia, Eli, & Vivian.
Thank you!
Please pick a SpecialSaint for myself Lauren and each of my family members, Guyjr, Guysr, and Lara. Ever so thankful. God Bless!
Please pick a saint for S and my son, M.
Please pick a saint for me.
Thank you
Erica D.
Please pick Patron saints for my wife and me.
Stephen P.
Jennifer P.
Thank you and God bless.
Please pick Saints for myself, Tracy, and my family:
Michael, Ainsley and Kaley.
Sending my thanks with love, humility and gratitude!
Please choose a saint for me. Thank you.
Laura Villanueva
Please pick a patron saint for me. And also pick patron saints for Jeff, Ashton, Kaylee, Greg
Please pick a Saint for myself-Mary and my family
Ashley, Jason, Quinn, and Celia
Please pick a Saint for me
Susan G
Here are your saints:
Susan B: Bl. Fra Angelico
Sarah B: St. Catherine del Ricci
God bless!
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