Today is the beginning of the Election Day Novena, which lasts until November 6th. Please join me in praying this.
Our Father. . .
Hail Mary. . .
Glory be. . .
Lord, into your hands do we commend our country during this time of election. Be with those who vote, be with those who work the polling stations, be with those who count the votes, certify the elections, and all who are involved with the process. Lord, we pray that in our choosing, we may reflect your choice and that our country be in your hands, now and forever, Amen.
O Most gracious Virgin Mary, beloved Mother of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, intercede with him for us that we be granted the favor which we petition for so earnestly in this novena…O Mother of the Word Incarnate, we feel animated with confidence that your prayers in our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. O Glorious Mother of God, in memory of your joyous Immaculate Conception, hear our prayers and obtain for us our petitions.
- that the hand our Our Father guide our country during this upcoming election,
- that those who would disrupt and disturb the heritage of freedom and truth be restrained,
- that the hand of God guide, direct and determine our leaders this election cycle and always.
O Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Mother of Christ, you had influence with your Divine Son while upon this earth; you have the same influence now in heaven. Pray for us and obtain for us from him the granting of my petition if it be the Divine Will. Amen.
St. Thomas More, adorer of Christ’s Passion, who put prayer before all else, devoted husband and father, defender of the Church, perfect model of friendship, impervious to all bribery, committed to the common good, who reverenced civil and Divine law, civil judge of unimpeachable integrity patron of those who hold public office, pray for us now at this critical time of election, where so much is at stake, where the lives of the unborn and those most vulnerable hang in the balance, where the lives of the downtrodden and defenseless against the terrorist are most at risk. Pray for us, St. Thomas More, martyr for the truth, that with this election, we may draw ever closer to the way God would have our country governed.
Little Souls, children unborn, holy innocents, ripped from your mothers’ wombs and now in the hand of our loving Lord, pray for us now, that the election may go to the one most likely to help stem the holocaust of souls of the most vulnerable, the one most likely to be the champion of life and set our nation on the right track.
Our Father. . .
Hail Mary. . .
Glory be. . .
Lord, into your hands do we commend our country during this time of election. Be with those who vote, be with those who work the polling stations, be with those who count the votes, certify the elections, and all who are involved with the process. Lord, we pray that in our choosing, we may reflect your choice and that our country be in your hands, now and forever, Amen.
O Most gracious Virgin Mary, beloved Mother of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, intercede with him for us that we be granted the favor which we petition for so earnestly in this novena…O Mother of the Word Incarnate, we feel animated with confidence that your prayers in our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. O Glorious Mother of God, in memory of your joyous Immaculate Conception, hear our prayers and obtain for us our petitions.
- that the hand our Our Father guide our country during this upcoming election,
- that those who would disrupt and disturb the heritage of freedom and truth be restrained,
- that the hand of God guide, direct and determine our leaders this election cycle and always.
O Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Mother of Christ, you had influence with your Divine Son while upon this earth; you have the same influence now in heaven. Pray for us and obtain for us from him the granting of my petition if it be the Divine Will. Amen.
St. Thomas More, adorer of Christ’s Passion, who put prayer before all else, devoted husband and father, defender of the Church, perfect model of friendship, impervious to all bribery, committed to the common good, who reverenced civil and Divine law, civil judge of unimpeachable integrity patron of those who hold public office, pray for us now at this critical time of election, where so much is at stake, where the lives of the unborn and those most vulnerable hang in the balance, where the lives of the downtrodden and defenseless against the terrorist are most at risk. Pray for us, St. Thomas More, martyr for the truth, that with this election, we may draw ever closer to the way God would have our country governed.
Little Souls, children unborn, holy innocents, ripped from your mothers’ wombs and now in the hand of our loving Lord, pray for us now, that the election may go to the one most likely to help stem the holocaust of souls of the most vulnerable, the one most likely to be the champion of life and set our nation on the right track.
1 comment(s):
Beautiful! Thank you.
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