Thank Walmart which has announced it "will no longer make corporate contributions to support or oppose controversial issues unless they directly relate to their ability to serve their customers" .
Update (November 9, 2006) from
In a show of support to help homosexuals legalize same-sex marriage, Wal-Mart has agreed to automatically donate 5% of online sales directly to the Washington DC Community Center for Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender People. The cash donation will come from online purchases made at Wal-Mart through the homosexual group's Web site. This move follows Wal-Mart's joining the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and agreeing to give generous financial help to that organization also.From
Every purchase made online for books, music, videos, clothing and accessories, children's clothing and toys, and electronics at the site will automatically send 5% of the sales to the CCBLBT People. The agreement is an indication that Wal-Mart is totally committed to supporting the homosexual movement.
Wal-Mart also gave a generous cash donation to the Northwest Arkansas Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center, helping to provide a place where homosexuals can come together to "socialize."
Many observers feel it would have been a wise business decision for Wal-Mart to remain neutral in the cultural battle over homosexual marriage. But this was an ideological decision by Wal-Mart - not a business decision.
When Wal-Mart announced their support for the homosexual agenda a few weeks ago, they meant what they said. You will remember that Wal-Mart asked for, and received, permission to join the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). The company announced they were giving two large grants to NGLCC. The world's largest retailer was rewarded with a position on the board of NGLCC. Wal-Mart also announced they would give preference to homosexual-owned businesses in purchasing products.
Justin Nelson, president of NGLCC, said he expects Wal-Mart to use its influence to pressure suppliers like P&G, Johnson & Johnson, and Gillette to give homosexual businesses preferential treatment. Wal-Mart is also working on a plan to provide domestic-partnership benefits to homsexual employee "partners." The NGLCC is a leading promoter of homosexual marriage.
A quick search of Wal-Mart's website turned up the following number of items for sale:
Gay - 1148
Lesbian - 468
Transgender - 40
Bisexual - 38
Gay Marriage - 26
11 comment(s):
I have always felt like wal-mart was trying to take over the world. It's such a pity that they're doing this! This really angers me. I guess we'll try not to shop at wal-mart when possible.
This doesn't leave too many places to shop. The Life Decisions International is a helpful site. Walmart has also been listed under Planned Parenthood support. Any suggestions for what Christians should do since Kmart and Target are on the list also?
I had no idea and I'm so glad you posted this...using their money to force other companies to go along with their views...what a disgrace!
Are you still taking requests for saints and if so could you pick one for me and I'll put it on my blog from now till next year?
What you talkin' bout Willis?
You've got to be freakin' kidding me! Oh, wait...I check the site for myself and you're not!
I already thought Wally World was evil because of its employment tactics, but this takes the case!
They'e totally forgotten their base!
They have completely forgoten their base. Seems like I'll be parusing the dollar stores now.
Oh agree with Tito, they are betraying the people who made them successful. At one time though I remember applauding them because their pharmacy refused to sell RU-486.
Does anyone have any alternatives to Walmart that are pro-life?
Go to the website:
Life Decisions Intrnational
I think it is a wonderful idea!! Love is not about Gender, age or color. I think two people should have the right to get married if they want. It's them getting married not you. It has NOTHING to do with strait people. So if your striat it isnt going to effect you in any way. Let the people get married already. It's going to happen one day. The sooner the better.
I said NOTHING about gender, race, or color.
Leaving out the arguments that giving benefits to homosexuals would greatly affect us in ways including insurance, it would affect other ways. So, what is marriage? If we remove the definition of marriage being between one man and one woman, what is marriage? If we allow homosexual marriage, why not allow multiple wifes and husbands like some people want? Well then, what about those people wanting to marry animals?
You see, if we remove the definition of one man and one woman, we lose the sanctity of this union.
Plus, the Bible condemns it as well as the Church.
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination" (Lev 18:22)
I am not a fan of Walmart for a variety of human rights issues and environmental issues but I can honestly say I am proud of them for trying to support gay's and lesbian's rights!!! Every person deserves the right to love, marriage and family in the way they define not as dictated by outdated patriarchal rule!
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