Well, if you liked it, you'll like this (probably)...
TLC has come out with "The Monastery", which is about five men spending 40 days at the desert Monastery Our Lady of the Desert in New Mexico. However, I honestly don't think they could have picked a set of people more likely never to enter a monastery. I'm doubtful, but hopeful, these people will truly find Christ in this monastery. It premeries on October 22nd at 10 PM ET/PT.
I didn't watch the first episode because I forgot about it. But, it appears other blogs agree with me. In the comments at Lamland, Willa writes: "I nearly threw a pillow at the screen when the Marine amputee (Alex?) refused to make a show of respect at Mass and then said he wouldn't even go through the motions until he knew exactly what it was all about."
Blog Reviews of the First Episode:
- LAMland: "Unlike God or the Girl, it's very artificial in every possible way...right now I'm tempted to give this one two big thumbs down."
- Thresing Grain: "My favorite moment: Brother Rodrigo's conversation about the Virgin Mother--the question-'was the Virgin-really a virgin?' (I paraphrase here) He so lovingly spoke of his mother-stating she was 'his mother' and you don't speak or blaspheme her at all. You could see the love on his face and hear the tone of love in his voice. He got the point across to the men. You could hear a pin drop when he was speaking with them. And there were other moments. I recommend viewing this program and ask that prayers be offered for the success of the Holy Spirit."
- Against all Heresies: "It seems that a majority of the participants are atheists, agnostics or malcontents who engage the monks in debate about "women rights and gay rights". How tiresome and completely predictable."
1 comment(s):
I, on the other hand, thought it was pretty dreadful.
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