Friday, September 30, 2005
Human Cloning

The Church is intrinsically opposed to human cloning because human cloning takes God out of our lives and we make false gods of ourselves. We can't create life. Can we create a soul? No, and for this reason human cloning (research and experimental) is entirely wrong; only God, the author of all life, can create an immortal soul.

Recently, in a Sept. 29, 2005, article I read that Wisconsin just passed a bill banning all human cloning but will be vetoed by the governor. I will keep readers updated if I hear more on the bill in the future. Please, let's all pray that Wisconsin can overturn the veto and this bill can still become law.

Right now in the US 6 states have banned all forms of human cloning: Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, North Dakota and South Dakota.
St. Jerome

Memorial (1969 Calendar): September 30
Double (1955 Calendar): September 30

Today the Church remembers St. Jerome (347 - 419). St. Jerome was born to a wealthy pagan family, and he spent his youth in pursuit of worldly values before going to study law in Rome. In 365 AD, St. Jerome was baptized and converted to the Catholic Faith, the only Christian Faith at the time. After his interior conversion, St. Jerome began to live as a monk. He lived for many years in the Syrian Desert as a hermit.

It is said that on one occasion, St. Jerome removed a thorn from a lion's paw, and the animal stayed loyally at his side for years. St. Jerome was a student of Saint Gregory of Nazianzen and became a priest. He was also the Secretary to Pope Damasus I, who commissioned St. Jerome to revise the Latin text of the Bible. After 30 years, the Latin Vulgate was created. St. Jerome was also the friend and teacher of Saint Paula, Saint Marcella, and Saint Eustochium. After all of this, St. Jerome returned to live as a hermit in the Syrian deserts and remained there for the last 34 years of his life.

St. Jerome wrote translations of Origen, histories, biographies, and much more. He is also a Doctor of the Church as well as a Father of the Church. St. Jerome died in 419 AD, and his relics reside in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome.

We can learn from Saint Jerome, not that sainthood is only for hermits, but that sainthood is made of many paths that all intersect in the one to come on the narrow road. We can be hermits, priests, layman, etc. But we can still find Christ. The most important thing though is that no matter what title we have in front of our name (Mr., Fr., etc) we remember that we have a more important title - Catholic. And we should live the Catholic life in its entirety by not only going to Mass but by prayer to God and love for Him and others. Love is the road to Heaven.

Spiritus Paraclitus:
Since the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, had bestowed the Scriptures on the human race for their instruction in Divine things, He also raised up in successive ages saintly and learned men whose task it should be to develop that treasure and so provide for the faithful plenteous "consolation from the Scriptures."[1] Foremost among these teachers stands St. Jerome. Him the Catholic Church acclaims and reveres as her "Greatest Doctor," divinely given her for the understanding of the Bible. And now that the fifteenth centenary of his death is approaching we would not willingly let pass so favorable an opportunity of addressing you on the debt we owe him. For the responsibility of our Apostolic office impels us to set before you his wonderful example and so promote the study of Holy Scripture in accordance with the teaching of our predecessors, Leo XIII and Pius X, which we desire to apply more precisely still to the present needs of the Church. For St. Jerome -- "strenuous Catholic, learned in the Scriptures,"[2] "teacher of Catholics,"[3] "model of virtue, world's teacher"[4] -- has by his earnest and illuminative defense of Catholic doctrine on Holy Scripture left us most precious instructions. These we propose to set before you and so promote among the children of the Church, and especially among the clergy, assiduous and reverent study of the Bible.


O God, Who in blessed Jerome, Thy Confessor, didst vouchsafe to provide for Thy Church a great teacher for expounding the Sacred Scripture: grant, we beseech Thee, that through his merits and prayers we may be able, by the help of Thy grace, to practice what he taught by both word and example. Through our Lord.

Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
Thursday, September 29, 2005

It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels. – St. Augustine

Humility is called the greatest virtue from which all other virtues arise. It is precisely by priding ourselves that we deceive ourselves the most. In truth, compared to Christ we are nothing at all. But, still as slaves to sin, Christ came and was not born in a kingdom but rather as a young child in a stable in swaddling clothes. This is precisely the great paradox of Christianity - Christ humbled himself to die for us while He is deserving of all glory and praise.

So, if we are to carry our crosses and walk with Christ to His Resurrection we must follow Him. We must love Him and through the best of our abilities love and serve Him. Above all, we must love and how can we love if we don't care? How can we love if we make ourselves worth more than others?
Adult Stem Cells Cure Paraplegic

It's true. Adult stem cells have cured a paraplegic after living in this condition for 19 years. These cells are supported by the Church because they came from umbilical cord cells that didn't result in any death unlike embryonic stem cells.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Archbishop Oscar Romero

"Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.It is right and it is duty."

You may know him as Archbishop Oscar Romero, but he was not only a Catholic Archbishop in El Salvador but rather an instrumental person in the peace of the country. And the price for his work in the peace led him to his death in 1980 - he was shot at the Consecration of the Eucharist during Mass.

Right now I'm watching the video, "Romero," a movie on his life and will be posting more in the next few days.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I just watched a video on poverty and felt compelled to spread it to others through this blog. Please watch the video from the USCCB and let me know what you think.

Poverty is a horrible issue. Poverty is classified into specific groups so for more information please see a past post of mine. However, I'd like to share that roughly 21% of the world is in extreme poverty - making less than $1 per day. Imagine how hard life is with $1 per day.

But, we can make a difference. Let's pray for these people. Let's donate money. And, above all, let's care; apathy is the enemy here. The opposite of good is not evil but rather apathy, not caring.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Pope Benedict XVI

2012 Anno Domini:
2011 Anno Domini:
2010 Anno Domini:
2009 Anno Domini:
2008 Anno Domini:

2007 Anno Domini:

2006 Anno Domini:
2005 Anno Domini:
Papal Trips:
Take Action: Catholic Action

Take a stand for the Faith! Be a solder for Christ! Click here to see the action items that you can take as a Catholic.
Book Reviews

'"A willow tree,' says Pope St. Gregory the Great, 'bears no fruit, but by supporting as it does the vine together with its grapes, it makes these its own by supporting what is not its own.' In like manner, he who warmly recommends a book calculated to do much good makes his own all the good that is done by the book" (Father Michael Mueller in The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)

My Reviews:
Books contrary to the Holy Faith:
Let me know if these book reviews help you out. I've done book reviews for readers before. If you are a convert and seeking book recommendations, see this post.

General Info:
Recommended Meditation on the Catholic Liturgical Year:
Those in the Process for Beatification:
Blesseds (Not a complete list):
Saints (Not a complete list):

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